What style boat am I looking for ...

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by South Fork day dreamer, Jul 19, 2024.

  1. South Fork day dreamer
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    South Fork day dreamer New Member

    Hello all, I believe I've found the right forum for a couple questions. If you don't mind, I'm sure someone here can point me in the right direction. I wanna build a river-runner style boat for the South Fork of the Snake River, in Idaho. A boat that can be rowed for fly-fishing but powered with a 60/40 jet drive outboard as shown below, which will eliminate the need for shuttling between put-in/take-out ramps.

    I've looked over the Glen-L-Marine "Scramber" design and this is in the direction I'd like to go ,,, I really like this ....

    scrambler boat.png

    But something about the front and sides of the design, don't do it for me.

    scrambler 2.png

    Can anyone point me in the right direction for the design I'm looking for? Is there a similar commercially made manufacturer, or plan available. I wanna MIG and TIG the project once I know the direction to go?

    Any help you can give would be appreciated ... and I'll gladly show the project's progress here within your forum, once underway. Thanks Guys/Gals - Aaron
  2. C. Dog
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  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Unless you have actual reasons why you don't like the front and sides, get over it.
    If it meets your SOR and is a successful, proven design then that's the best you're going to get.
    Follow the design exactly and you'll be a happy camper at the end of your build.


    Buy what meets your SOR used, at a fraction of the cost and effort.
    clmanges and bajansailor like this.
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    IMG_2118.jpeg IMG_2117.jpeg Power drift boats or power drifters typically have a high pointed bow versus the pram bow you show. They are really gorgeous and the pram bow, imo, is just not. The challenge of going from a pram to a pointed bow in dev surface is above my abilities.

    I’d say if you can find a s&g garvey then maybe you can see if anyone can tweak it for you. But there are probably also some dev surface plywood drift boats you can mod to ally as well.
  5. fallguy
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  6. South Fork day dreamer
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    South Fork day dreamer New Member

    C. Dog and Fallguy your replies are so helpful thank you. That's why I came to you guys with this post. This has got me clicking in the right direction. Fallguy, that wooden boat IS beautiful ! Thanks guys - Aaron
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