What plans to choose ?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Adam booth, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Adam booth
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    Adam booth Junior Member

    Hi there . this is my first enquiry , I have been interested in building my own boat for quite a while now and would really appreciate some advice on where I can purchase some metric plans, as this is my first build iam leaning more to the stitch and glue method ( although if the designs right ply over sawn timber). The type of plans I would like is for a sea worthy boat with a standing piolet house and a 2 berth cabin, with a little walk around deck. I have seen the chinook from Glen L but iam unsure if they supply metric plans ( I'm from the UK ) and can't seem to contact them. Big thanks for any suggestions best regards Adam
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Welcome, Adam. Glen-L does not supply metric plans. There are plenty of metric plans out there to be had. This is but one supplier: http://www.devlinboat.com/
  3. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I don't know if stitch and glue is available for a craft of that size.
  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  5. Adam booth
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    Adam booth Junior Member

    That's great mate thanks I will have a look at that. I did think it maybe too large for stitch and glue, although this wasn't a nessecity. Thanks again for the info .a very positive first experience on the forum best regards Adam
  6. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    It was my pleasure.
  7. latestarter
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    latestarter Senior Member

    Hi Adam

    If you like to stay this side of the pond Selway Fisher in Wiltshire would be worth a look.

    The Power 2.2 on this page looks like it could be adapted to your needs http://www.selway-fisher.com/Mc1620.htm

    I bought some canoe plans recently which were in metric.

    Send Paul Fisher an email or ring him, I have found him helpful.

    Quote from website
    "Construction starts by assembling the frames and the transom onto the ply girder (backbone). The builder may then attach chine stringers to the frames and fit the hull panels oversize (to be trimmed later) use the panel shapes given on the drawings and stitch their edges together along the chines, later to be finished with epoxy filleting."

    As Hoyt alludes to, stitch and glue just using panels is usually on smaller craft, it seems you will need some framing at this size.

    Good luck
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Adam,

    A suggestion . . . but 5' or 3½' longer and same beam as the Glen-L Chinook you talked about . . . . :idea:

    RYD-22.11 Cooper Jr, 24' power cruiser, fully enclosed full standing headroom pilothouse, standup head, single chine, taped seam or plywood over frames build, plans available in imperial and metric.

    - click pic to enlarge -

    - http://www.woodenboat.com/boat-plans-kits/cooper-jr-ryd-2211

    - http://paryachts.blogspot.nl/2012/05/welcome-to-riccelli-yacht-design.html

    - http://www.boatdesign.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/20129/ppuser/36616

    I'll send PAR a PM so he knows I've posted the design here and might answer questions if you have any...

    Good luck !
  9. gordanm
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    gordanm Junior Member


    you might want to consider Pilot 21 from bateau.com. I believe it's a stitch&glue boat with characteristics along you initial specification. And they provide metric plans.
  10. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    That looks like a nice boat.
  11. Adam booth
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    Adam booth Junior Member

    Wow thanks everybody I have a lot to think about and I'm very great full for all your help! I understand this would be a very rough guide, material and plans dependent but based on my criteria any suggestions ( without cutting corners ) what hrs and funds I'm letting myself in for. Is the wife going to leave or am I going to have to sell her lol
  12. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    You must find a way to make her love the boat.
  13. Adam booth
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    Adam booth Junior Member

    I'm without a doubt she will ,although I'm under strict orders to re decorate the house before I can start lol
  14. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Get her on a boat of the size you want to build, GO FOR A one week CHARTER and make sure she is comfortable with the "romance of boating", beyond the love of you in her eyes... - - as, - if you build, and she says,

    - - "bugger this rolling about and having the saucepans slop and slide whilst I am cooking - - and our drinks will not sit on a table - - and where is the clothes washing machine - - and where is my wardrobe - -and look at the toy sized toilet - - and the deck shower..............."

    - - it will be her or the boat and this market is not one in which to sell an unwanted boat... :D :D :eek:

  15. Adam booth
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    Adam booth Junior Member

    Ha Ha I'm with you she will fetch a fair price . :0
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