What kind of Cat is this?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by robert shuman, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. robert shuman
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    I am wondering if anybody knows what kind of catamaran this is?

    upload_2023-8-6_17-35-13.jpeg upload_2023-8-6_17-35-13.jpeg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Robert.

    I asked a pal of mine who is a very experienced cat sailor / cruiser (he has been living on his Catana for the last 20 years on a trip around the world), and he thinks it might be a design by Eric Lerouge - Erik Lerouge Catamarans - Naval Architect - Katamarans https://www.katamarans.com/architect/erik-lerouge/

    Or perhaps a Schionning design - Sailing Designs - Schionning Designs International https://schionningdesign.com/designs-sdi/sailing-designs-sdi/

    @oldmulti is the acknowledged multihull expert on this Forum, and he has encyclopaedic knowledge of pretty much all multihulls ever made.

    Can you gain access to the yard to take a photo of the bows, or is the yard all locked up?
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  3. robert shuman
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    No, the cat is in another state and the boatyard was locked the day I was there....Thanks so much for the info, if you hear or recollect anything else, please post again...
  4. robert shuman
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    This is another angle where you can see the words Epic and Scaccie written on the back.... Sorry, I thought I posted this picture in the first post.

  5. oldmulti
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Robert. I would suggest it is a Schoinning about 40 plus foot. It has his chine hull shape and underwing hull flare. Look at the Schoinning web site and you may be able to match up the design. Also look at his older series of boats called Wilderness. An EG of the Wilderness 1100 is at Schionning Wilderness 1100: Sailing Catamaran for Sale | Composite Hull Composite - Duflex Balsa Panels. Sail Boats | Boats Online | Australia (Aus) - Brisbane Region Broadwater Gold Coast https://www.boatsonline.com.au/boats-for-sale/used/sailing-boats/schionning-wilderness-1100/284528
    Also a set of study plans for the Wilderness 1120 is at: https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/913e0809/files/uploaded/Wilderness1120XStudyPlansA4.pdf
    And the Wilderness 1340 study plans at: https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/913e0809/files/uploaded/Wilderness1340XStudyPlansA4-A4.pdf
    Some jpegs attached.

    Attached Files:

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  6. robert shuman
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    Thank you so much sir...That is very helpful.
  7. Smj1
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    Smj1 Junior Member

    Is it in Puerto Penasco Mexico?
  8. robert shuman
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    Yes it is...Are you familiar with this Cat?
  9. Smj1
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    Smj1 Junior Member

    It’s a Schionning 36 I believe that was on the market for quite awhile at about $100k. I’m guessing it sold.
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  10. robert shuman
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    robert shuman Junior Member

    Thank You...
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