What is this sailboat manufacture/design?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Maledemer, Jul 19, 2020.

  1. Maledemer
    Joined: Jul 2020
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    Maledemer Junior Member

    I am curious if someone can tell me the manufacture or the design of this sailboat?

    unknown sailboat.jpg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Mal.
    The surface of the hull does not appear to be very smooth, which suggests that it might be a home built boat using a male mould / jig?
    The hull shape appears to have some of the old IOR influence from the 70's, and I am surprised to see a massive skeg on the rudder, rather than a cantilevered spade rudder.
    How long is she on deck?
    Is there a little swim platform / step on the transom, or does it just rake aft?
    Do you know any history about the boat at all?
    And are you keen on buying her - or maybe you have acquired her already?
  3. Maledemer
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    Maledemer Junior Member

    It is a 29 feet sailboat. It as an open stern. The seller has it since 12 years in his yard, but as unknown the origin, it was a middle life crisis project to retrofit that he never completed and has no truck to move. He is not really ready to let it go, but his wife wants the space for the grand-kids to play safe of junk! I may be interested but scare to buy an unknown boat being unsure it float. See other pictures for your identification
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I think we will have to wait a little while before your other photos are posted - maybe because you only joined today.

    Are there any numbers engraved on the transom? They are typically found in the top starboard corner on production boats.
    I am intrigued by that metal strap fastened to the skeg and rudder - I wonder what is it's purpose?
  5. Maledemer
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    Maledemer Junior Member

    The metal strap is just for transportation to keep it straight in place.
    There is no identification number, I checked everywhere as you recommended.

    unknown sailboat 2.jpg
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  6. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Maldemer, try to defeat your urges to own a boat of questionable heritage, worth, and whose owner is emotionally attached to it. There are a plenty of used boats on the market that are proven and well found. Shop around and find one that has a better and more popular following. Save bags of money and more than a possible, perhaps probable, disappointment.
    Will Gilmore, Rumars and bajansailor like this.
  7. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    As messabout said, it's not worth it. I would say this is the kind of boat where one has to pay money to have it hauled away, not pay money to take it.
    Just find anything that suits you size wise, that is in reasonable condition and from a bigger production run. That way when you search online for the model you find out what problems there might be and where to look for them, as well as what improvements can be done cheaply.
    bajansailor likes this.
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Mal, let's start at the beginning.

    Assuming that you are interested in purchasing / acquiring a sailing boat - first define what your budget is.
    Then have a look at www.yachtworld.com if it will let you do an 'advanced' search - for some strange reason it will only let me do a basic search, so I shall have a look on the English version -
    Advanced Boat Search https://www.yachtworld.co.uk/advanced-boat-search/

    I shall look for a fibreglass sailing boat, in the size range 26' - 31', located in the Pacific North West (and also all of Canada), with a maximum asking price of US$ 10,000 - you can change the criteria to suit your own requirements.
    Be aware than even if you were given the boat in your photos, you could probably easily spend $5k on it to make it worth perhaps $2k (or less, if you have to sell it, and nobody is interested).

    And here are my results - 9 fairly different boats, all fairly well recognised and all probably in MUCH better condition than the boat you are asking about -
    (Sail) Boats For Sale https://www.yachtworld.co.uk/core/listing/cache/searchResults.jsp?cit=true&slim=quick&ybw=&sm=3&searchtype=advancedsearch&Ntk=boatsUK&Ntt=&is=false&man=&hmid=102&type=%28Sail%29&fromLength=25&toLength=31&fromYear=&toYear=&fromPrice=&toPrice=10000&luom=126&currencyid=100&city=&spid=&rid=108&rid=114&cint=&pbsint=&boatsAddedSelected=-1
  9. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    What is she made of? She's small for cement, but there's a home-built ferro cement look to her.

    -Will (Dragonfly)
  10. sharpii2
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    If you're really interested in the boat, you might consider hiring a marine serveyer to inspect it.

    If it is home-built, it may be sturdier than a production built boat. People who build their own boats are more likely to error on the side of over-building than underbuilding. After all, they are almost always building it for their own use rather than to sell it for a profit.

    There may be some real disguised value here. Exterior finish is not everything.

    You might want to get a Bruce Robert's design catalogue, and look for the design there.
    Will Gilmore likes this.
  11. Maledemer
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    Maledemer Junior Member

    Thanks all for your good advice.
  12. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I don't think it is a ferro-cement despite the rough look. I think it is a fiberglass hull, but made with a crude male mold rather than a female mold. With a male mold the glass goes on the outside of the mold and if not done well can end up looking just like the finish on this one. However it does have the look of a professional designer. So I suspect someone bought the plans and built it themselves. That would explain the absence of a Hull Identification Number.
    bajansailor likes this.
  13. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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    Similar to a SCHOCK 30 or SCHOCK 35 - Good Blue Water Lines - Sturdy Hull , Stout Wood/Fiberglass Construction ...
    Not from a Boat Shop , a Homebuilt , but a Great One . The Catalina 27 would be where I Began to Nail Down a Similar PRODUCTION HULL.
    Starting there gives " The Skipper/Owner " a Great Refitting Advantage . MELGES , for Instance , builds ( What I Consider ) the BEST OVERALL
    One Design Blue Wate Sailboat . Next - US BOats - J 24 , J - 30 , etc.
    What you need is an Almost Identical Ballasted Keelboat , that made a Debut as a Fabrication Shop's Onre and Only Production Hull.
    SEARCH the INTERNET - MELGES YACHTS / US BOATS J -24 , J-30 , all the way to Present Day Competition J Boats .

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    Here, a Similar Blue Water Ready Sailboat may not fetch as much as you may think . I had ( last Year ) a Couple who proudly owned a 30 foot sloop, one they Routinely took to Baja Mexico. Came Time to Sell ... Couldn't get $9,500.00 for it, with $29 K Invested, 4 New Sails, Tender and Outboard, Electrics all Rebuilt. Coudn't get $8,500.00 for it, Brokers wanted $2 K just to list it for sale ...
    Then they ended up lowering the sale price again, could not sell the damn thing.
    I went Online: TACOMA Washington = " Priced Kind of AGGRESSIVELY ".
    Naniamo BC - " Can't Think of Anyone who would ' fork out ' $8,500.00 for a 1980 WINDWARD 928 .
    Did Not Sell that year, at all.
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