what is this for

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by taezow, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. taezow
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    taezow Junior Member

    There is a second travaler aft of the main one that I have the main sheet connected to.

    What is it for?

    pic tri 003.jpg
  2. cavalier mk2
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    That looks like your mainsheet traveler which is under the end of the boom on a stock searunner. Anything forward of that just might be a vang.
  3. taezow
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    taezow Junior Member

    Thank you.
    It is the original traveler.
    A new much better has been added.
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