What is this and should I make something out of it?

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by wrench, Jul 12, 2023.

  1. wrench
    Joined: Jul 2023
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    wrench Junior Member

    Hi folks, I thought this might be a fun puzzle for somebody...

    I just moved into a lovely home in the pacific northwest and, unbeknownst to me, the previous owner left this on the property. Apart from being fiberglass and about 9 feet, I have no idea what this was meant to become. Any ideas? Is it worth turning into something?
    IMG_0206 2.JPG IMG_0208 2.JPG
  2. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Looks like a Boston Whaler Squall or a mould or started similar.
  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Let’s see the other side.
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  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Would you have a use for a 9' dinghy if you built one from the mould?
    If not, then you would probably be lucky if you could sell the dinghy for the cost of the materials that went into the construction if it is built well.
    As KapnD says, can you post a photo showing the inside of the mould please?
    Re turning it into something (useful), the easiest option might be a sunken fish pond in your garden?
    BlueBell likes this.
  5. wrench
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    wrench Junior Member

    Looks like a mould to me! I'm probably not going to be making fiberglass dinghys any time soon. I think I'll make it into a pirate ship for my kids.

    Thanks all!
  6. cando2
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    cando2 Junior Member

    Hi wrench. The answer is yes. It is high value to those of us who know and love these sail and oar boats. I also live in Washington state and am interested in seeing this mold. Care to swap this out for a real boat of similar size or a sea kayak? Currently I own a 13 and a 16 foot boat of similar design and a 7+ foot mold built by a talented guy on this forum. My goal is to help in setting up some form of nonprofit co-op where these boats and molds can be used freely; these hull shapes need to be preserved and enjoyed. I have 2 45+ year old fiberglass sea kayaks that I use 3 or4 days a week three seasons of the year; so fiberglass can be practical and long lived when built and used appropriately.
    BlueBell and bajansailor like this.
  7. wrench
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    wrench Junior Member

    That sounds like a much better idea! I would far prefer this get put to its intended use - where are you located in Washington?
  8. cando2
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    cando2 Junior Member

    wrench. Far nw corner near Mt.Vernon. How about you?
  9. wrench
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    wrench Junior Member

  10. wrench
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    wrench Junior Member

    cando2 - it seems like there is something wrong with that email account so if you sent an email, it likely won't get to me. Please send an email to michael.oak.plants@gmail.com if you are still interested in meeting up.
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