what is the difference between liquid filler and powder filler?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by yaasaay, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. yaasaay
    Joined: May 2011
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    yaasaay Junior Member

    hi guys

    can you tell me

    what is the difference between liquid filler and powder filler?

    and What are the uses of it?

    which is better for a surface boat?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Can you be more specific on the products you are referring to? Is it a spray fairing compound compared to a powder load to thicken a resin?
  3. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member

  4. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    One is a pre-mixed, thickened resin; you add a bit of catalyst, mash it up, and spread it on.

    The other is a powder that you add to the resin of your choice (usually epoxy) to make it thick enough to hold its shape when you spread it.

    Epoxy plus microballoon filler is the usual choice for a boat. The polyester-based car body fillers don't hold up so well in the marine environment.
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  5. yaasaay
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    yaasaay Junior Member


    thank you for your answer
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