What is a yard standard?

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by nikezz, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. nikezz
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    nikezz Junior Member

    I have a very silly question. May I know what is a yard standard? I do not understand the lingo here. I do not mean yard as in the kind for length measurement. I know that it is used to meet class requirements. However, does it mean just building a ship to class?

    I found an old thread using "yard standard"
    but it does not explain yard standard to me and Google is not very useful on this matter, yet.
  2. apex1

    apex1 Guest

  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    When speaking of yachts, if you go to a first class shipyard they build to "their" standard.

    "Their standard " or the "yard standard " first includes " Class standard" but then adds all the shipbuilding lessons they have learned. Ergonomics, style, function, durability, choice of materials, construction method. The shipyard may have a complete upstairs staff of naval architects and engineers analyzing the proposed built and bringing it up to yard standard. The shipyards trademark. This is why all shipyards are not equal.
  4. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    It is like going to a restaurant and ordering the house wine. It may be good or bad, ask or you might be unpleasantly surprised. Sometimes some yards farm work to outside contractors and their standard might be lower. I have seem some pretty ugly work done under yard standard in some pretty fancy yards.
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The "yard standard" is generally what a client could expect, as the level of work coming from any particular yard.

    It's a subjective term and only important if the yard is compared to another, both of which serve similar clients and/or preforming similar work.
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Many times " yard standard" will be spelled out in the contract. A provider of unfinished metal hulls may state. Sandblasted to " spec" and primed. Yard standard can mean many things.
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    This is like hiring an "expert", which by definition is any person with above average knowledge on any given subject. Of course there are always better or worse experts, again this is the nature of subjection.
  8. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Over communicate, ask questions, get it in writing, keep a vigilant eye.
  9. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    I am not sure Paul if I misunderstood the question. I think the term as you understood the OP is much self-explanatory. Of course we all have our own "inhouse" standards.
    But I guess Valber got the answer right on that old thread.

  10. larry larisky

    larry larisky Previous Member

    rusted piece of steel welded on the rocky shore, with rain, and salt environment, the whole power given by a generator, left outside.
    the whole painted with a primer taken from left over of an other "yard".
    the welders then are the crew of the vessel.
    the vessel is inspected by the nephew of the owner.
    that is the "yard standard" in some part of the world. for commercial vessel.
    as for the plans, bought once in the 1950 and used thousand of time. copyright? what copyright?
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  11. nikezz
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    nikezz Junior Member


    Thank you very much for the explainations. I believe it had cleared up my suspicions over the meaning of yard standard.

  12. Booker
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    Booker Naval Architect

    In my experience, "yard standard" refers to the class approved details of how they put the boat together. This goes from piping standards to drawing standards. Most shipyards should have (approved) booklets for their different standard practices. These outline tried and true construction details such as piping through-hulls, structural end connections, wiring penetrations, etc. These are typically shipyard-specific details left off of design drawings, and the standards booklets are referenced in the title block and called out throughout the body of the drawing.
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