What happened to Frosty ..I am worried

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by pistnbroke, Sep 28, 2011.

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  1. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Those that don't think America is dumb, haven't been paying attention to whom they elect as their leaders. Even worse ask any ten Americans who won the 1812 war or when WW II was over, let alone why we got into it or who follows the vice president in presidential succession. Ask the same ten Americans to find the USA on an unmarked global map, then come back and attempt to defend the honer, of the intelligence of the average American. When 99% of Americans are asked what type of country this is, they all reply a democracy, which isn't the very republic that they live in. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be an American, but the country is full of people that literally don't have a clue and couldn't pass the INS citizenship test. I know I could, likely easily, how many of you? America also doesn't have an arm lock on boneheads. Apparently they've been allow to continue breeding (in most countries), which has just made it worse.
  2. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    OK OK he is alive an well ..did not want to miss out on that Holiday in Thailand he offered me .........
  3. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Here in Italy we (they) have elected Berlusconi twice, so if I should place a bet on who's dumber here, think I know where would my money go... :eek:
  4. Dr3w
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  5. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Not so fast.



    beat that my friend.

    I suppose we figured it out in the end though.
    Points for better late then never?:


    "Bush's disapproval ratings were the highest ever recorded in the 70-year history of the Gallup poll for any president."
  6. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    I am surprised that anyone believes anything on TV. Millions of dollars of sponsors money hinging on what "might" happen.

    No, can't take the risk. It is all scripted and played to a gullible audience.

    Even Governments play to such an audience. In fact people will believe bovine droppings more than they will believe the truth.
  7. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Hey Piston I never invited you to Thailand, but if you come youde better buy your own beer and I aint chatting up the birds for you either.

    Oh,-- infact I dont live there any more --I forgot. Yeah thats right I moved oh about --ages ago.
  8. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Goes to show that old saying "speak of the devil" must be true after all . . . somebody missed you Frosty, but it was because they were aiming in the wrong direction.
  9. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Underbelly is showing on satellite here. The level of depravity and hopelessness is on par with The Wire and Breaking Bad.
  10. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Underbelly is a 'mockumentary' on purported criminal activity in Melbourne some years ago, check out the vehicles and clothing styles should affirm this, if done in the spirit of the day? I did not bother to watch... Again an example of Australia slavishly following the worst efforts to be found in USA...
    I don't know why - Australia was founded as a penal colony, - USA was founded on Freedom from oppression by tax? - - - - got me confused....
  11. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Masalai, we were founded on the new, quite revolutionary idea of personal freedoms (not taxes), which no other society enjoyed anywhere. In fact, our "revolution" spurred dozens of similar revolts around the world. Our "Declaration" and constitution were revolutionary documents, far exceeding the forcibly imposed 13th century document, by the "people" on King John the boneheaded. Naturally, the powers that be, repealed all of it's "teeth" fairly quickly. The USA on the other hand, changed the way people look at society and leaders of them.
  12. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    And similarly an assination will change the way a leader thinks of the society.

    A good ole assination certianly make em pull thier socks up.

    Ahhhh the good ole days.
  13. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Hi Par,
    So what of the Boston Tea Party all about? - - Freedom from taxes imposed by England...?, - - - - and freedom from other export and other English taxes imposed on the tobacco, cotton and other exports to extract yourselves from the influence and control of the English who were wont to impose disliked taxes...
  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The freedom thing in the American revolution didn't extend to the slaves, easy to point the finger I know, in Australia the indigenes didn't get the vote till the 1960's and many worked for what was effectively subsistence.

  15. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Nothing to do with slaves...
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