What happened to Frosty ..I am worried

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by pistnbroke, Sep 28, 2011.

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  1. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    Cantancerous old sod he may be but we love him and miss him ...where are you ?
  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Frosty posted in the Einsteinian thread on the Sept 26. Yes, we like the cantankerous old dude.
  3. daiquiri
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    He appears to be ok.

    It's just that he has recently discovered the world of quantum physics and, as a consequence, has lost interest in boats and other primitive technology.
  4. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    sounds about right to me ..given up Yanama modificaton then ...I bet

    GO THE FROST.......y
  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    He's also hanging out in the America's Default thread.... was there last night.
  6. murdomack
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    murdomack New Member

    You can read all his postings if you go to an old post of his and click on his name. From the menu click on "see all posts by Frosty" and you get them going back from his latest. He has posted about 8 times today.
  7. IMP-ish
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  8. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    I guess Frosty misses his old "drivel" thread where all posts by whoever are "not to be taken as offensive", as the content is drivel and as such has no other function than to seek a "humorous jibe" in response... It worked well for a while... Laced with good Australian style repartee... Handle the content with a laugh and you are an 'honorary Australian'...
  9. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    If you don't want people to take offense at
    keep the "sooo (sic) dumb" comment to yourself.
  10. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    hehehe, IMP-ish,
    Develop a 'thicker' skin and you will enjoy a visit to Australia...
  11. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Maybe I will try to enjoy horseradish and vinegar and the "USA dumb" comments won't be sour in comparison.
  12. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    There you go.... :D :p - - Fix in your mind that it is the others, as featured in the "reality show" from USA called "COPS", what a hoot.... "dumb and dumber" have nothing on those 'arrested' personalities, express my deep sympathies for the police having to deal with the likes of those "perpetrators of criminal activity", so filmed gleefully saying "Hi Mom" when they spot the camera...

    Some of the "drunken offenders" in another "reality TV show" called BEACH PATROL are equally disrespectful of the behaviour expected of normal people... exposing themselves and urinating on the beach and nicely drunk from a keg they carried onto the beach...

    That is the perception much of the world sees of USA... NOT good, and it is marketed as a must see show, and filmed in public, where it has to be seen as 'accepted and normal behaviour'?
  13. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    beach patrol could be filmed at surfers or scarborough mas, you would get the same behaviour from aussies.
  14. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    But the one on Australian TV is 'quite sanitised' as TV's "Bondi Rescue"? - exporting and promoting the seamier side is not a good look by any country..... A new one from USA is on the insiders in prisons there - Does the world really need these shock and denigration TV productions? - - - - But then, I remembered that Australia did that "Underbelly" series... Oh well what is the world falling down to... I must be getting old...

  15. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    point taken. talking about dumb, a policeman i spoke to once told me when he was working in melbourne on the booze bus a car that got waved through pulled up past them and the driver walked back to the booze bus van and ordered a hotdog. he was double the legal limit.
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