What Do We Think About Climate Change

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Pericles, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. the1much
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    the1much hippie dreams

    i wanna lay bets,,,,i bet no matter what, we all end up dead,,,no matter what, the earth WILL come to an end,,,and i also bet that if you asked 100 people ( all of whom i choose heh ) 80 of em will say anyone that calls people doing ,whatever they do to keep us all round jus a little longer"lefty green type" gay,,,< donts get nancy on me i mean happy,joyful ;)
    but people that think and say things like that usually say things even dumber,,;)
  2. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    The cause of neurosis is self-disagreement. Self-disagreement comes of wanting ones cake but wanting to eat it too. Unable to agree with oneself, the psyche splits into a cake-eater and a cake-saver, each of which is certain that it knows what to do with a cake.
    Neither side ever really knows anything of value since each is always missing half of the picture.
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I think your right you could very easily find 100 people that would say dumb things. But your cheating you live in Texas.. Bit more difficult anywhere else.

    Hey isnt that where George Brush comes from. He could be number 1.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p :D :D

    Too much cake eating will make you nausious.
  4. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    "Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on you" (Famous Bush quote).
  5. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member


    Thats wrong --or is it supposed to be,---im confused.
  6. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

  7. the1much
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    the1much hippie dreams

    i'm confused,,,,,can my wife have her cake,,,,then i can eat her< i was talking bout cannibalism jeff,,,not pervy eat hehe ,,,,is that having ya cake and eating it to?
    and frosty,,,,it is hard finding that many dumb people in texas,,,,half of em can only say eeeeeeeeeeerrrrup,,,,and hoooooorsey heh ;)
    and they say bush is from here,,,,but daddy and mommy spent most their time in maine like they do now,,,,(notice how the dumbness seems to entrap me whereva i go ),,and thats where present day superbush got his first,,,,and second driving while drunk tickets,,,,,,and over a dozen tickets for being a plain idiot ;)
  8. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    What Bush is a drunk driver,---cant be all bad then.

    A dozen tickets for being an idiot? Wow thats impressive.

    How come all your presidents seem to be a dork. I mean we have dorks but they seem to be a dork after they get in but in the good ole US of A they are dorks before they get in. Do you like dorks. I like em too but not in charge of nucila stuff.

    I heard Brush the other day stumble over the word nuclear, after er er er he chose atomic weapons. What a dork.
  9. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    Newk-ya-ler. Not newk-lee-er. Like your Tems river, cause the king couldn't say Thames. We have a Thames river in Connecticutt, and it's pronounced Thames, not Tems.
  10. longliner45
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    longliner45 Senior Member

    yea frosty they start out as dorks,,,,,,,and proceed to become dumbasses,,,look at hillary,,she says she is going to fix nafta ,,,,,,didnt her husband shove that down my throught?,we may appear stupid ,,but not really,,hillary dont have a chance ,,it will be between Obama and Mc cain,longliner45
  11. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    I dont like Hillary, although I like women as leaders--shes a cry baby,--thats acting to most people. Oh im crying sniff sniff thats because I am caring and sensative so I will make a good President.

    No one is going to fall for that crap ,--are they?

    Thats what I mean you ******* love a good act.

    Reagan geeeez, an old cowboy---Arnold Swartsnigger,--bloody Rambo Why --Why-- they are actors?

    Does'nt this embarrass you at all?

    Arnold is not Even true American. You wait,-- hes young yet . He will run for President ,probably next term. Hes got the taste for it now.

    Wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if Oprah didnt shuffle in.

    And they all believe in God,an invisible power that made the Earth--thats the frightening bit. So why are we looking for life outside our planet. All religions say we were made by God.

    God bless America. Oooops sorry wrong thread.
  12. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The fact that both Hillary and Obama are running, pretty much guarantee McCain will have a land slide victory. Leave it to the Democrats to play the sensationalism card (again), providing no other option for the party, which will leave it (the election) to McCain by default.

    I've also never seen Matrix. It's not a movie type I would be interested in, but it's nice to see that a screen play writer is at least as bright as me with his plot twists or what ever the lines above were for. When you yell fire, it's generally wise to be pretty damn sure you home is burning first.
  13. tinhorn
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    tinhorn Senior Member

    Sure it does. THANKS FOR BRINGING IT UP. Now I gotta go get drunk.

    When Bill Clinton was being impeached, a poll indicated that 70% of Americans said they shared his value system. I'm surrounded by riff-raff, apparently.

    Ahnuld can't run for president if he wasn't born here. (Don't want to see you losing any money on ill-advised bets.) Nor could Kissinger back in the day, although I bet he would have loved to. When we lose Hillary's entertainment, we'll have Ralph Nader to fill the gap.
  14. charmc
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    charmc Senior Member

    OK, all you guys had your fun making fun of us ******* and our leaders. Now raise your hands if you feel you are privileged to have the fine quality leadership you have in your own country's government.

    (Looks around slowly, waiting, giving everyone a chance ......). To paraphrase Frosty, "Hmmmmm. Not many hands up ..."

    Ooops, that guy in the far corner, the North Korean. Has both hands up. What's he saying? Oh. "I love our Dear Leader, he is the best".

    OK then.

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ive just been studying the forum rules and it says quite clearly that when you get to 500 rep points you have to get the beer in !!!!.
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