What Do We Think About Climate Change

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Pericles, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    As some of you are talking God and today is Nochebuena over here, I would like to reccommend all of you, believers and non-believers, fundamentalists, agnostics and atheists, the getting and reading of this profound and excellent article by Michal Heller

    Cosmological Singularity and the Creation of the Universe

    I know several of the posters in this thread do not believe in God and I respect that. But I dare to ask you (on top of a reciprocal respect) to believe me on the great interest of this article and, generally speaking, on all the outstanding Heller's work.

    Here an interview to Heller in New Scientist: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13454-qa-2008-templeton-prize-winner.html

    Not a discussion for this thread, but I'm not the one who began talking God. :)

    May the spirit of the Child of Bethlehem bless all of you and bring justice to Earth

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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Thank you, Guillermo.
  3. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    Hoytedoy, please read my posts carefully if you want to comment. It is not me who you are talking about here. I made it clear that both camps are wrong in my view.

    As for your religious opinion, feel free to keep it to yourself. We live in a SECULAR world where there is no space for religion in public life. Your personal beliefs are your problem. Not everyone shares your excitement for a legend that had never happened.

    Pulling a photo of that sick child is the worst show of hypocrisy so pandemic among all religious groups, but especcially among the christians.

    What are you going to do then about that and all other children like that? Vote for another conservative government who you will never bow to but will support in another imperialist war against those poor people whose children are dying like that because of YOU?

    Because you will NOT try and help. That much we know. At it's best you'll go to your churc and give it some money "for poor children". And the church will send that money to Vatican where the bankers will stash it under the rocks and never send it to those who need it.

    Worldvision, christian "charity" is the best example of how hypocrisy is the norm when it comes to "helping" poor children.

    They deliver a pen, a notebook and a bible to hungry children. Cretens.

    Religious people are the most confused and deranged people. The cannon fodder for the rulling class. As one of the Rotschilds said recently: "People? Who cares about people. They are stupid."

    (I'll find the link for believers who do not believe)
  4. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    Gullermo, a link that shows how religious people, that reside on both sides of the climate debate, along with everything else, are the confused and dangerous lot:


    I rest my case. I am myself practically a vegetarian (ONLY because I dislike the taste of the meat) but this is nonsense.

    Where do religious people stop being idiots and start thinking with their own head?

    Nowhere. Enjoy the link. I surely did. Iyt is just as **** as the link ju posted. Spirituality my arse. Drug for the mentally weak. And there are to many of those around, destroying this sweet little planet with their mental delusions.
  5. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    Why do you insult people not thinking like you do? What makes you think you're better than them? I think your opinions are just the product of a very light, uninformed and biased analysis of the world. That's a very naïve and childish position, in my humble opinion.

    You know, I have learnt with time that is of no use at all and only distracts us from our objectives, to blame others because of bad things happening to us in our lives. Excepting in very, very few and specific occasions the most plausible explanation is we have not been smart enough to anticipate things and react in a wrong way. Accepting this fact is called maturity.

    Anyway, you're in your right to be like you want to be. Think of yourself as Superman, if you wish so, but it would be very kind for the rest of us if you could avoid your habitual scorning and disrespect.

    I have always avoided to answer your aggressive and unfruitful super-ego born random attacks, because of the sentence Troy has in his signature. But this time I have not been able to stay silent. And surely I will regret it (my five minutes of stupidity :( )

  6. apex1

    apex1 Guest


    what does the oak feel when the pig scrubs against the bork?
    mas rapido, mas stupido, who cares.................

    Felice Navidad, prospero ano i felicidad!

  7. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    Guillermo, I have never insulted anyone personally FIRST. So there is no problem here. As for "why "insult" people who do not think like me, forrest gump, blair, reagan, pinochet, howard, and other 'christians" who killed in the name of their false ideologies and beliefs ARE idiots. Surely you will agree with that.

    It goes also for Stalin, Ceausescu, Mao Tse and similar dictators on the left. There's nothing wrong with calling these animals the names they deserve. Whay would you have a problem with that?

    I am yet to see a christian or a muslim that actually lives by their religion. It is one big hypocrisy. No one will do nothing about the children like the one from that photo you have posted. But everyone WILL pull these photos when christmas comes and pretend how sorry are they.

    I challenge every one here to do something trully, not just posture the photos and play a good guy when none of them are.

    I make donations in clothing and food to a number of schools every year, never for christmas of course. I am not a hypocrite, I buy and deliver personally the books, pens, notebooks to disadvantaged kids.

    South America is enormous, and I am one person, so that is just a drop in the ocean.

    But I am doing SOMETHING real. Which christian here, or anywhere, is doing the same?

    And they should, if only because it says they should in the bible, talmud, koran...

    Show me one that does what I do because he feels the need to do so, not because he wants to be in the newspapers/famous.

    You will never find one christian or muslim, or any other believer, truly following their religion and helping the poor directly. They may exist, but they are so rare, you have no chance of discovering one in your lifetime.
  8. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    Happy Kwanzaa, then, or Gaia, or whatever. I heard Quark was lookin' for ya'. Take care.
  9. Jimbo1490
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    Jimbo1490 Senior Member

    "USAnians" are BY FAR the most charitable people on earth, either by total amount given, or by per capita. About every 4 years, USAnians give away ONE TRILLION dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) to charity. That pace actually INCREASED in 2008 and 2009, each of these years exceeding three hundred billion dollars ($300, 000, 000, 000). USAnians are blessed, and they know it and show it.

  10. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    we should learn and practice a very old sentence about charity which says: Don't let your left hand know what your right hand does.

    Feliz Navidad! :)

  11. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    It is Christmas day and the "global warming " thread has turned to discussing religion and charity. There is a bit of logic in that.

    Chrismas time has been for centuries time of celebration, family reunion and also time of stress, anxiety and unfulfilled expectations. The rate of suicides and personal crisis goes through the roof. Family feuds, aggressions, and death on the road mainly due to alcohol skyrocket.
    And of course there are a lot of people who donate their time and money to alleviate all of the above with mixed success, but all it counts is the intention.

    I find Chrismas day a good day for reflection. Since we celebrate 24 at night, on the 25 we are free to go to our river house and enjoy a road trip free at all of cars, and a good time with not a sound from people or machines around us.

    In my quiet times I tend to go back to one simple thought: Who have I helped this year at a personal level. Who will be better off this Christmas because of something I have told him, tought him, given him, or suggested in any way. Who has sent me a card that reads on the line of ... thank you for .... and for ....?

    At the end, such small satisfactions are all that counts, does not matter the number of uni degree, the number of zeros on our tax return, the number of properties, cars boats we own, if we do not feel acceptance, approoval, respect, if we don't feel we are needed for something we would like to give or pass on.

    I must say that because of this, I don't particularly look forward to Christmas. I find it very demanding and challenging. But I accept the challenge every time, and it usualy starts on the 25 of December and lasts one year minus one day. Today I rest, throw a line to get a mullet from my jetty and have a nice swim across the river when it is high tide and the water is warm.

    I wish you all a merry Chrismas and may you, each one find the challenge you enjoy the most.

    Kind Regards
    Marc Guttenberg
  12. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    Yeah, I expected fast change of pace and not a single one to raise their hands and say: "I am helping!".

    Because that is what one does expect of a christian, or a muslim, or any other religous follower: just an empty rethorics and hipocrisy. All talk, no action.

    Some usanians may be charitable people, on a person to person case, but their nazist governments, one after another, deliver those "trillions" only in bombs, wars, violence, destruction and misery.

    "Trillions", of fast sinking value in usa dollars nowadays, in charity are just a myth. I do not see a single cent being delivered anywhere. usa govts have reduced their obligatory contributions to the UN, which they helped put in place themselves. It takes only 50 billions of even worthless usanian dollar to eradicate the poverty worldwide in a flash, so where are going those imaginary "trillions"?

    Into military hardware that delivers "freedom" and "capitalist democracy" to everyone who doesn't want it.

    Only when religion and capitalism (hipocrisy and false morals) are exterminated, this world will be a nice and peaceful place to live in.

    And for that to happen, I hope Dr. Panarin and Clemente got this one right:


    Hasta la vista to the nazists dictatorship and terror.
  13. fasteddy106
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    fasteddy106 Junior Member

    Ok, I think we need to ignore the marxist wackjob. He has about as much future in a boating web site as his dead wackjob loser heros do. All he has suceeded in doing is hijacking the thread and using it for his mental mastubation and posturing. Guess he hasn't noticed that the only commies left in power stay there by pointing a gun at their beloved masses. Why does a marxist belong to this forum anyhow, boats are for the hated capitalists, unless of course he uses one for gun running. Anyhow, giving him any attention at all only serves to make the more moderate wack jobs like Boston look good.
  14. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    Can we all go peacefully back to this thread's matter, please?

    Anyone wanting to debate religion and/or politics should open a devoted thread and give there his/her opinions, "despacharse a gusto" (how do you say that in english?) and/or discharge his/her emotional frustrations if that's the personal problem, but not hijack this or any other thread, because that's unfair, unpolite and annoying. OK? :)

    Back to work, then. Here something for the debate:

    The estimated cooling effect of the SO2 to be emitted in the next 20 years (mainly due to carbon burning in Cina and India) is bigger than all the supposed warming effect of the CO2 emmited globally. This would mean that if all China and India's carbon thermal centrals are closed up in 20 years from now, as was asked for in Copenhague, the reduction of sulfates in athmosphere could provoke a significative warming of the athmosphere.

    Attached graph: radiative forcing of emissions during the next 20 years build from Stacy C. Jackson, 2009, Parallel pursuit of near-term and long-term climate mitigation, Science, October 23, 2009

    Your turn, please.


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  15. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    "despacharse a gusto" - in the U.S., most would say "have at it".
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