What Do We Think About Climate Change

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Pericles, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    I second the motion of my alter ego mark775, lets just play nice.

  2. fasteddy106
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    fasteddy106 Junior Member

    Marco1, I'm not sure your heart is in this detente of sort seeing as you posted a picture of the most man voted most loved to hate by the left worldwide. Our Chilean nutcase leftist/marxist/communist/whatever loser idealogy you wish to choose might well have a foaming at the mouth apolplectic siezure at the sight of the hated Pinochet. I'm sure that was not your intent.:rolleyes: :?:
  3. fasteddy106
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    fasteddy106 Junior Member

    Let me post this picture of a true hero in order to calm the nerves of our hot headed South American leftist...........

    Attached Files:

  4. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form


    Reagan and he will live always in the hearts of freedom loving people.
  5. elhix
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    elhix Junior Member

    Bummer about the human inability to suspend their urge to BELIEVE!!! and not jump into and defend the corner that confirms their existing bias. The jury is out on anthropogenic warming and will probably stay that way due to the impossibility of someone coming up with PROOF. There will only ever be evidence and that - no matter how strong - can always be refuted. Just ask the loons over in the Creationist forum.
  6. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    Nee, I just liked to post someone making a salute of sort.

    Here is more [​IMG]
  7. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

  8. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    A Climatology Conspiracy?
    By David H. Douglass and John R. Christy

    "The CRU e-mails have revealed how the normal conventions of the peer review process appear to have been compromised by a team* of global warming scientists, with the willing cooperation of the editor of the International Journal of Climatology (IJC), Glenn McGregor. The team spent nearly a year preparing and publishing a paper that attempted to rebut a previously published paper in IJC by Douglass, Christy, Pearson, and Singer (DCPS). The DCPS paper, reviewed and accepted in the traditional manner, had shown that the IPCC models that predicted significant "global warming" in fact largely disagreed with the observational data."

    Read the full thing at:

    Atonishing! In my opinion "The Team" members should be removed from the scientific comunity, not to say sued in Court.

  9. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    Study shows CFCs, cosmic rays major culprits for global warming

    WATERLOO, Ont. (Monday, Dec. 21, 2009) - Cosmic rays and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), both already implicated in depleting the Earth's ozone layer, are also responsible for changes in the global climate, a University of Waterloo scientist reports in a new peer-reviewed paper.

    In his paper, Qing-Bin Lu, a professor of physics and astronomy, shows how CFCs - compounds once widely used as refrigerants - and cosmic rays - energy particles originating in outer space - are mostly to blame for climate change, rather than carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. His paper, derived from observations of satellite, ground-based and balloon measurements as well as an innovative use of an established mechanism, was published online in the prestigious journal Physics Reports.

    "My findings do not agree with the climate models that conventionally thought that greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, are the major culprits for the global warming seen in the late 20th century," Lu said. "Instead, the observed data show that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays most likely caused both the Antarctic ozone hole and global warming. These findings are totally unexpected and striking, as I was focused on studying the mechanism for the formation of the ozone hole, rather than global warming."

    His conclusions are based on observations that from 1950 up to now, the climate in the Arctic and Antarctic atmospheres has been completely controlled by CFCs and cosmic rays, with no CO2 impact.

    "Most remarkably, the total amount of CFCs, ozone-depleting molecules that are well-known greenhouse gases, has decreased around 2000," Lu said. "Correspondingly, the global surface temperature has also dropped. In striking contrast, the CO2 level has kept rising since 1850 and now is at its largest growth rate."

    In his research, Lu discovers that while there was global warming from 1950 to 2000, there has been global cooling since 2002. The cooling trend will continue for the next 50 years, according to his new research observations.

    Read more at: http://insciences.org/article.php?article_id=8012

  10. Jimbo1490
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    Jimbo1490 Senior Member

    There's really only one world. If it's "falling apart", then it's falling apart for you too.

  11. Jimbo1490
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    Jimbo1490 Senior Member

    The evidence is already at hand. Look now and see who are the true 'deniers'.

  12. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    "...and not jump into and defend the corner that confirms their existing bias... Just ask the loons over in the Creationist forum." - Stunning how he can just take a step back and look at it so objectively.
  13. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    The extraordinary Quing-Bin Lu peer-reviewed paper states that the observed data from 1850 up to the present seem to indicate that CFCs conspired with Cosmic Rays are the major culprits for not only atmospheric ozone depletion but global warming for around 1950 to 2000. The observed data point to the possibility that the global warming observed in the late 20th century was dominantly caused by CFCs, modulated by Cosmic Rays Effect-driven ozone depletion. This depletion is expected to decrease after 2010 due to the CR cycles, but the Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine (EESC) will keep decreasing.

    As they found that global surface temperature change has an excellent linear dependence on the EESC, if their observations are confirmed authors expect to observe a continued decrease in global surface temperature—“global cooling”. That is, global warming observed in the late 20th century may be reversed with the coming decades. Indeed, global cooling may have started since 2002, based on the observed data. They think this could be very important to the Earth and humans in the 21st century and that it certainly deserves for further examinations and studies.

    The paper also says that due to the increasing trend of the CR intensity, the recovery of the ozone hole may be significantly delayed; the full recovery might not occur even by the end of this century.

    I have bought the paper, but I think I may not upload it here as this could breach publishing rights. It is available on-line at:

  14. elhix
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    elhix Junior Member

    I was being ironic. Mostly.

  15. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    This is in deed an extraordinary finding, extraordinary also that no one noticed before or if noticed swept under the carpet. CO2 is a much more lucrative target. CFC is an old hat.

    I think that another extraordinary fact must also be mentioned.
    The widely known Copenhagen circus fiasco, when very welcomed by those who like to think for themselves, was defeated not by the so called skeptics who were rigorously blocked and banned but by the victimhood addicted ****** of the third world with one honourable exception, the president of Brazil. The agreement was defeated by those who had to gain the most, those who would have received billions of undeserved aid for no reason but their own incompetence. The more incompetent the more money. The greens and all the other environmentalist were on a winning strike too. Yet they were too greedy,they want more and more, it was not enough, the protest were about we are not doing enough, we want more!

    In this case I thank God for human idiocy. They killed the goose of the golden eggs and the goose will never be able to lay eggs again.
    Have a Merry Christmas you all.
    Yes I know I am early, that is because we kick start the day and because I celebrate on the 24th.


    Marc from Sydney


    A very special merry Christmas to my Alter Ego Mark775 and why not rich blessings from Santa also to El Zorro.
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