What Do We Think About Climate Change

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Pericles, Feb 19, 2008.

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  1. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    ..."old Granny was wearing a blue hat 600,000,000 years ago when the entire earth froze killing every singe land form down to microbes"....(Boston dixit)

    Yeap. Rather than variations in athmospheric CO2, which cannot satisfactorily explain neither the snowball effect nor the subsequent warming, reasons for Neoproterozoic glaciations are better explained by a drastic change in the tilt or obliquity of the Earth's axis of rotation (Williams 1998) and/or space dirt partly blocking solar when Earth crosses certain regions in its turning around the Galaxy (Sagitarius-Carina arm, i.e.). It has been calculated that the solar flux that reaches the Earth may drop by up to 10 W/m2 during periods lasting 200,000 years; a change that would indeed have provoked these massive glaciations in the past (Pavlov, 2005). Other reasons that also may have contributed are variations in the cloud cover due to variations in cosmic rays during Galaxy arms crossing, a Sun then emmitting 6% less solar radiation than nowadays, as well as a decrease in athmospheric methane (destroyed by oxigen). Consequent decrease of athmospheric water vapour coming into ice and increased albedo of Earth provoked the snowball effect.

    The interesting question now is: how did the Earth warm again?

  2. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    mark, you are fooling only yourslef (quoting your own french spelling).

    Why don't you follow your own advice, and do one better: leave alltogether. I mean, you are so disappointed with my posts...

    You are yet to explain to all of us how is it that you know my name when i never sent you a personal message.

    Impostor. Cheap point chasing pretender.

    Why don't you start a thread about everything you have always wanted in life but will never achieve. And feel free to blame me for your failures.

    Now, back to my name. Tell the truth or shut up forever.
  3. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    :) Geez...should I be scared? 'Coz I am seriously trying but just the thought of an usanian "democratic capitalism defender" trying to scare me, makes me urinating myself from laughing.

    Will the omniimpotent "marines" come and scare the moonlanding out of me...?


    Do tell...
  4. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    Easy done...

    Copy and paste from my inbox.
  5. fasteddy106
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    fasteddy106 Junior Member

    Boston, like most alarmists who try to hide their real agenda, has never had a problem trying to hide the truth behind ad hominem attacks, irrelevent minutae, and dust clouds.
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  6. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    I'm sad and dissapointed to see the behaviour of some posters here entering really offensive and disgusting personal attacks with no relation at all with the thread. I beg you to abandon such attitude and go any other place to solve your differences. It's ashaming to watch such a sad spectacle. :(
  7. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    you are right. I get carried away and snap back. I will remove mine and try to bite my tongue.
  8. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    OK, let's go back to the relevant debate in this thread.

    Once we have learned the only specific runaway effect you have been able to mention is not attributable to CO2 (the Varangian, one of the Neoproterozoic glaciations, which were at least three of them between 750 and 580 million years ago), I would like to highlight this was a disastrous for life COOLING runaway not a WARMING one, which is what we are talking about.

    Would you please show us a WARMING runaway and what were its effects on life?


    BTW, you have not yet answered my question on how do you explain glaciations happening while CO2 concentrations were higher than nowadays.
    Let's talk about the Ordovician glaciation (between 450 and 430 million years ago) when CO2 concentrations throughout the whole period remained well above modern-day levels. Indeed, according to some analyses of the carbon content of rocks dating from this time, they were up to 16 times higher (around 6000 ppmv).
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  9. Redtick
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    Redtick Junior Member

    While surfing today I found this projected flood map by accident. It also shows inland locations that will be considered "below sea-level". Fun to play with but your milage may vary. The disclaimer at the top should be noted. =)

    Buy prime real-estate at submarine values. Just think of the profits to be made. Buy for pennies on the dollar. Wait for the next ice age to lower the sea level again. Then make a killing. No state taxes to be paid while it’s flooded.

    I can see the infomercial now.

  10. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member

    It's All a Lie: Copenhagen, Gore, Obama Print E-mail
    Written by Alan Caruba
    Wednesday, 16 December 2009 23:24

    When President Obama shows up in Copenhagen to take part in the greatest fraud perpetrated worldwide in the modern era, there is only one thing you need to know. It is all a lie.

    It was a lie from the first moment a scientist like James Hansen told Congress on June 23, 1988 that the planet was going to be roasted by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and it was a lie when Al Gore wrote "Earth in the Balance" and there were still more lies in his Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."

    A British court banned the documentary from being shown in their schools unless a long list of disclaimers was read to the students before his lies were inflicted on them. American students were not so fortunate. Indeed, as I have said many times before, global warming
    has been a form of child abuse, causing needless anxiety and fear for countless children on whom it was inflicted.

    But how could such a lie be perpetrated on such a vast stage and for so long? My answer to you is "the Soviet Union." From its inception in 1917 when the czarist monarchy was overthrown and Marxist theory, Communism, was imposed on Russia, whole generations were forced to suffer under this huge lie that the state would provide everything for everybody.

    It is such a popular lie that it has been resurrected in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador. It returned the Sandinistas to power in Nicaragua. In the last century, millions died under the Communist banner, but that lie never seems to die.

    Little wonder then that, when Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's communist dictator addressed the conference, Andrew Bolt of Australia's Herald-Sun reported that he received "a rousing round of applause." He was followed by Zimbabwe's despicable president, Robert Mugabe, who decried "these capitalist gods of carbon burp and belch their dangerous emissions."

    A conference that celebrates such communist blather betrays its true intent. No American President should participate in such a naked display of contempt for capitalism unless of course he shares it

    A really Big Lie told often enough acquires the verisimilitude of truth. Global warming, however, was dependent on a different kind of truth, one subject to vigorous review and challenge; it is scientific truth and no matter how many lies were told by the global warming scientists, there were others who stood their ground and challenged them.

    By itself, the Big Lie cannot exist solely in a political framework like the United Nations or any one of the nations, including our own, that wasted billions based on it. It has to have the support of the media, both our own and those around the world.

    Journalists are not scientists and they are subject to what scientists tell them unless they do some fairly easy investigation of their own. They didn't! Instead, journalists at influential newspapers like The New York Times repeated and amplified every global warming lie and they continue to this day.

    The true science, not the stuff conjured up on computer models, always refuted the global warming theory. That's because it was widely known to honest climatologists, meteorologists, and others. It was always known that carbon dioxide (CO2) was a miniscule part of the Earth's atmosphere, barely 0.038 percent. Of that amount, man-made CO2 emissions constitute less than 0.00022 percent! Some will argue these figures, but they always remain within these very tiny parameters.

    Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with global warming or as it is now called, climate change.

    Nor has the Earth been rapidly warming. The last warming cycle began around 1850 as a respond to a Little Ice Age that began in 1300. The Earth warmed about one degree Fahrenheit. By 1998, it began to cool again!

    So, when President Obama shows up in Copenhagen to attend the liar's competition called the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP-15, anything and everything he says about global warming, fossil fuels, CO2, et cetera, will be a lie.

    Al Gore has been at the conference and managed to stumble around like a punch-drunk boxer saying really stupid things like the Arctic will completely melt away any day now or that the center of the Earth is millions of degrees hot. But Gore is a stranger to the truth because, as you may recall, he's a politician who served in Congress and as Vice President.

    If George W. Bush is remembered for anything, it will be that he saved the nation from a "President Gore." Despite Bush's poll numbers when he left office, President Obama has accomplished one extraordinary thing; he has made people think more kindly of Bush.

    At the heart of the Big Lie is, of course, MONEY! There are millions to be made selling bogus "carbon credits" for the use of energy. That's what Obama's "Cap-and-Trade" scam is all about.

    Billions were wasted on "climate research" over the past twenty years and now they are being wasted on "clean energy" research which we're told is needed to replace "dirty" fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. It too is all a lie.

    Solar and wind power can never and will never replace or even rival the power that so-called fossil fuels provide. Combined, solar and wind provide barely one percent of all the electricity used daily in the nation. Biofuels are another bad idea.

    Listen, if you can, to Obama delivering yet another of his speeches in Copenhagen, barely getting his breath back after his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, and remember, he is lying.

    Alan Caruba writes a daily post at http://factsnotfantasy.blogspot.com. An author, business and science writer, he is the founder of The National Anxiety Center.
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  11. Marco1
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    Marco1 Senior Member


    Friday, December 18, 2009
    The Real Melt-Down in Copenhagen

    By Alan Caruba

    If the United Nations cannot run a conference in Copenhagen without riots in the streets, why would anyone want to turn over the governance of the world to these people?

    For old “skeptics” like myself, watching the chaos in Copenhagen was sheer joy. It’s always a mistake for liars to gather in one place to trumpet their lies because it always attracts people who believe that the truth is the best antidote.

    And for believers in the universal God of mankind and the universe, how lovely to see four inches of snow fall on Copenhagen in the midst of speeches and panels claiming that the Earth is warming. Even atheists who understand that global warming was and is a fraud could take some pleasure in that. In German, it’s called “schadenfreude.”

    What became abundantly clear was that the Climate Change Conference was not about climate at all. It was about getting the developed nations to send billions to the undeveloped nations that have, as in the case of Africa, lived off of this largess while loudly criticizing the donors for being horrid capitalists.

    The other aspect of the conference was the way the handful of global warming entrepreneurs like Al Gore (a) journeyed there in their private jets, (b) drove around town in their rented limousines, and (c) desperately repeated all the worn-out and discredited global warming claptrap about melting glaciers and ice caps, the die-off of every species known to man, including man, and the fact that this would occur in five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty or fifty years. Take your pick.

    Who do you think is heavily invested in and dependent on the sale of bogus “carbon credits” for the use of “dirty” fuel such as coal, oil, and natural gas? Answer: Al Gore and the other scoundrels who have spent years creating the mechanisms to cash in on this. When the Russians sold their oil or natural gas in Europe, they were delighted to also sell the carbon credits necessary to use it under European Union (Kyoto Protocol) rules.

    The other melt-down involved the totally specious “science” that carbon dioxide has anything to do with the Earth’s climate. Or that man-made CO2 can or does change the climate. The carefully constructed spider’s web of lies put forth by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were destroyed by the release of thousands of emails by the “scientists” who, it turns out, were deliberately falsifying the data.

    The new addition to the Big Lie of global warming is that the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia University had its computers “hacked” when it is abundantly obvious all the emails and other data were on a CD in the event that it was demanded under Britain’s Freedom of Information Act. It was leaked, not hacked. Similarly, the U.S. Act is being used to secure the data behind NASA’s claims supporting global warming.

    Naturally, Al Gore claimed that the CRU emails were at least ten years old. NOT! He also managed to claim that all the ice at the polar caps was melting. NOT! And that the center of the Earth is millions of degrees hot. NOT!

    And, of course, like a moth drawn to a candle, President Obama had to make an appearance and repeat all the global warming lies that no one believes any more except for the 20% of the U.S. population that thinks he is the Second Coming. NOT! Take note, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was also there telling lies.

    In the weeks, months and years ahead is the slow unraveling of the past twenty years of unrelenting lies about global warming. It will be slow because the mainstream media will be the last to acknowledge that they were wrong.

    What lessons can we draw from this huge fraud? Given control or the collusion of the mass media, it is possible to fool a lot of people a lot of the time.

    Given the backing of the government, billions in taxpayer’s money can be given to organizations and individuals who are delighted to cash in on the fraud.

    Those entrusted with teaching our children the truth about the real world betrayed them.

    Those perpetrating the global warming fraud are among the worst liars and hypocrites to walk the Earth.

    There is no end to the evil of Marxist socialism. It must be fought every day and all through the night. It takes many forms, but it is always about enriching an elite few at the expense of freedom for the rest.
    Posted by Alan Caruba
  12. Jimbo1490
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    Jimbo1490 Senior Member

    The subtlety and sheer depth of your condescension was quite remarkable. I had no idea you were capable of such prose. After reading your last rant, I even kinda felt sorry for the guy:(

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  13. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    mark/marco, whatever, simpletone. I sent you that email AFTER you called me the first time by my name.

    If you dislike my "rants" go read gardening forums. Your "world" is safely falling apart whatever you say or do.

    Today the farce reached new lows with star wars' characters "opening" the stock market in the usa. Whole society is based on ********, false appearances, lies and manipulation. Expecting that scientists, who are just a minute part of the whole failed system, be truthfull is a serious delusion.

    After all, many of those scientists are also religious people, and the world is stuffed up thanks to just these people - hallucinating believers.

    In that world, it is okay to lie and manipulate. It is, after all, all one "grand" plan by some "god". Tha makes it right to screw up.

    Someone else is to blame. For everything.
  14. masrapido
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    masrapido Junior forever

    Criticising others, yet you yourself post political ********. Get a grip and if you dislike what others say, keep your snout shut. In a public forum everyone has the right to speak their mind.

    That is what is, colloquially, called "democracy". Something you, multi-nick impostor are yet to grasp. Nazists are quite bad in allowing dissent and difference of opinion. But you even suck as a nazi apprentice.

  15. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    I assume that you will tire - I know I am there, and it is not fair for the others on the forum. You've got a lot of anger that you best expel. Why don't you vent for awhile and I'll sit right here and encourage you. Do it for an entire day and I'll check in now-and-again and pay you no grief but if I do this for you, you've got to stop. I've tried the other way and I now realize that I WAS WRONG. Best wishes
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