What design features make life aboard comfortable & practical for females?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wilma Ham, Aug 20, 2006.

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    Location: Conn in summers , Ortona FL in winter , with big d

    FAST FRED Senior Member

    As strapping in is dangerous from flying stove top items , the usual solution is a third leg.

    A socket is bolted in the cabin sole , a pipe placed in the socket that ends at a bike seat.
    If the angle if the pipe is right you brace against motion with your feet and your butt.
    Takes very little room to stow , and is also help full for the dish washer tasks.

    Most offshore boats are designed/equipped for the task , sounds like you were on the wrong boat.

  2. Wilma Ham
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    Wilma Ham Senior Member

    Great solution, would have worked well. Wouldn't mind it on modern boat either. Simple and not taking up space.
    This boat was indeed not perfect, far from it. No time for interior niceties, they wanted to go sailing. Obviously.

    The ladder like stairs were painful too. Couldn't climb to deck with a cup of tea. I needed both hand to hold on. Tea even sloshed through tiny holes in lid of cup! Nightmare.

    However once on deck, ocean view was worth it and the feel of the boat going through the water was magic.

    So a safe kitchen and an easy way to move around the boat as you all know are a must, but I am still a bit greedier than that.
  3. Wilma Ham
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    Wilma Ham Senior Member

    The photos didn't get posted, here is another go to show off the obvious hurry and the ladder inside.




    Once I got used to this heeling it was okay. I did get a sense of the boat sailing better that way after rolling in calm weather.

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  4. Mikey
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    Mikey Senior Member

    Wilma, I am looking forward to a more detailed description of how you want your perfect yacht kitchen to be, or perhaps a good photo of the kitchen that Pam and John has. That way, I can design better kitchens :)

  5. Wilma Ham
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    Wilma Ham Senior Member

    Mike, I love to share details of kitchens I like in boats. Here are[​IMG] photos of the kitchen in Crusoe. The kitchen bench is long and accomodates easily more than one person. It is made of stainless steel so it stays clean. During passage you can lean against the centerboard.
    The lid of the cupboards are extra bench space see photo.
    The kitchen is between the pilot house and the main saloon, easy accessible.
    The steps to get into the pilot house are easy.
    Everything in the kitchen is normal size, the oven, sink, etc.
    The tap is a pull out one so you can big pots with it and rinse the bench. The sink surrounds are flush with the bench, so spills are easily wiped into the sink.
    These are just a few small details from the top of my head, but they make day to day life very easy. I also like the light colours.


  6. lazeyjack

    lazeyjack Guest

    here is a Lloyds yacht I did , the owner was a very qualified engineer, he wanted light and bright Makes a great and refreshing change from all that mundane varnish, but painting to high standard takes much time

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  7. Wilma Ham
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    Wilma Ham Senior Member

    I love the light colours inside this boat too. I also noticed the work bench that is big enough to work on and I like the fact that it is accessible from the other side as well. The lid of the ice box is also not part of the nice big work bench.
    And the chart table is not to far away either.
    Thanks Stuart.
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