What could be done with an enclosed lifeboat?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by AskingAboutLifeboat, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    AND you're in Victoria.
    Fantastic, I love it.
    Looks like North Saanich.
    Four rowing stations or six?
    What does it weigh?
    Great purchase.
  2. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Wow that sounds like a great deal. Keep us updated daniTS :)
    I really like the rounded panorama windows in the STØDIG.
  3. daniTS
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    daniTS Junior Member

    Yes, we're up a RVYC there, though hauling out next week at Van Isle for a couple of months--priority one is to ditch the orange! We don't know exactly what it weighs, though we'll see if they can tell us at haul out. Four rowing stations and some very long oars to go with! The sundry equipment we got with it is fascinating (about 200 barf bags, some bricks of emergency calories, fishing lures, hard hats, etc etc.) Will have to catalogue it all for posterity!

    We also love the windows they have on Stodig, so it's a great bonus this one has the same shape cut out as theirs (also an ex ferry one) does. We probably won't keep the entire width (9'6"!) but I'm not worried about it being dark!
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  4. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    It came with oars!
    12' 6" is sweep oar length for rowing shells.
    Used carbon fibre replacements are available...
  5. daniTS
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    daniTS Junior Member

    Given how bad I am at rowing a dingy I think we best not attempt it till a very calm day in a very big empty bay! My friend is a 2x olympic rower though--maybe I'll see if he wants to give it a go sometime :D They'd probably be great R2AK boats actually--you could get a load of bikes in there along with the rowing stations, and the open sides would help with temperature control. You'd just have to haul the Bukh out of there and mod the steering, but every R2AK boat is...unique...already!
  6. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    I was thinking the same R2AK thoughts!
    daniTS likes this.
  7. Dejay
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    Oh so you have like 4 rowing stations at those side windows? Vikings would have loved this boat :)
  8. daniTS
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    daniTS Junior Member

    Yes, there are 2 oarlocks at each window, you can kind of see them in this picture. The white cubes in the foreground are some of the food rations

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  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Dani, are you planning on doing something similar to Stodig re your conversion?

    Re the oar locks in the photo, I guess that the rowers would have to row while standing up? As there does not appear to be anywhere suitable for them to sit down and row?
  10. daniTS
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    daniTS Junior Member

    We are, yes. There are a few other lifeboats that we've seen online, but Stodig is definitely a big inspiration, especially their side windows! I believe they have two cabins, which we very specifically don't want, but our goal is a high level of fit and finish and a comfortable living situation for 2.

    I'm new to this forum (found it through the OPs post, which I've horribly hijacked!) but if there's interest and its the sort of thing people do here Ii'm happy to start a new thread with progress updates.
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  11. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    Have you tried eating any of that survival food?
  12. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Please do start a new thread Dani describing the re-fit / conversion of your new lifeboat Dani - there will be a lot of interest in it on here.

    Edit - here is a nice article on the BBC website today about Stødig.

    Two men, one dog and an Arctic lifeboat adventure https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-52395200
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  13. PangeaSuperCorp
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    PangeaSuperCorp New Member

    Hey Dani, I just joined after reading your post, Im in Victoria, BC currently seeking an Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Life Boat for a conversion but the closest one I've found is in Ontario, would love to find one nearby in Richmond. If you still have the contact information for the Richmond BC Ferries contact you purchased it from or any other info that might help let me know! It's very exciting to see how real this dream could be, Thank you!!
  14. daniTS
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    daniTS Junior Member


    I have his number but not sure about posting it here, and I’m not sure if we can pm on this site, if you have Instagram we are living_on_a_lifeboat and you can message me on there, otherwise let me know here and we’ll figure something out, also if you want to come have a look we are on the hard at the moment in Sidney but happy to show you (she’s in total disarray right now tho!)


  15. PangeaSuperCorp
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    PangeaSuperCorp New Member

    Awesome, I'll message you through Instagram, Thank you!

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