What code? 35m SWATH RV

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by DDALMAU, Nov 20, 2013.

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    DDALMAU New Member

    I can`t find reference of which code to comply with besides LR.

    35m SWATH RV
    Steel + Alum.
    15kts max speed
    3000nm range
    UK flagged

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    Welcome to the forum.

    All commercial vessels must comply with Class and Flag requirements.
    Flag, the statutory, dictates which rules are applicable with regards to the safety of the those on board and the safety systems on-board. Whereas Class is the safety of the vessel per se, in simple terms.

    Thus, which part of the "code" as you put it, are you referring to, the Class notation, or the Statutory rules she complies with? If the later, it depends on her SOR, i.e the sea area of operation and her duties. If the former, than that also is dictated by the SOR, i.e patrol vessel, passenger vessel etc.

    Without knowing any more than the data you posted above, can't say.
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    DDALMAU New Member

    Thanks for the reply, Ad Hoc.

    I talk about codes of practice, not class.
    I did not find any MCA code suitable for this vessel.

    This is a research vessel operating on UK Continental shelf and possibly North Sea.
  4. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Special hull forms, like SWATHs, are normally designed for thier statement of requirements and, FWIW, most classification societies have special provisions for non "normal" hull forms to address this (i.e. you have to show you accounted for all loads). A quick look at the UK MCA site offers the following (bolding is mine).

    So if you are designing a Reasearch Vessel, it would fall under the Merchant Shipping Acts (and if for a school, possibly the school ship requirements also). It is important to understand the differences between legislative requirements (designed to protect people and society in general), and classification society requirements (desinged to protect insurance and shipping investors). If self or club insured, classification society rules do not apply; only legislative requirements.
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    DDALMAU New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    I am indeed talking about the legislation, not classification societies.
    Which one is then the one to be used in UK?

    Does not MCA have a code for large commercial vessels apart from LY2 (sport and pleasure craft only)?
  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Yes they do. MGN 280, but that only goes up to 24m.

    If the vessel is larger, than you must comply with EU Directive 2009-45-EC. However this is for "domestic" vessel. Which it still could be theoretically, if the vessel always returns to the same country/port. Otherwise, it shall be a full SOLAS "passenger" vessel, since with a range of 3000nm and being 35m in length it is likely that there shall probably be more than 12 'passenger's (survey team) on board.

    If you know the name of the vessel, you can search her details on the IMO database.
  7. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    it varies acc to purpose of boat, this kind of boat could be used for research or diving purposes, or passenger

    SWATH feautered hull but 15 knots speed ( sounds strange )
    for work boat purposes( Research Vessel) (RV) Special Purpose Ships Code

    I have detailed design package of a Research vessel. I can assist professionally for hydrodinamic calculation of swath hull
    if needed .
  8. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    Please do not hesitate to keep contact e-mail adress: denizciacar@gmail.com

    target code to be complied in this case special purpose vessels code
  9. gwboats
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    gwboats Naval Architect

    Workboats over 24 metres should be regarded as cargo vessels according to MCA publication 'UK Ship Classification and EC Equivalents'.
  10. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    This information is true if number of researchers in a R/V equal or less than twelve persons and if they had sufficient STCW certification for their duties.
    if number of researchers more than 12 person vessel shall be subjected to Special Purpose Vessel Code
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am speaking from memory but I think the number of crew (no passengers) have nothing to do with the consideration of the boat, or the regulation is applied.
  12. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    Please check SPS code at first and then decide what to write here.
    I am a self respected Marine Engineering Professional. I am not a boating amateur. I am checking regulation / codes related with the things which I wrote here.
  13. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not know what your technical skills, nor do I care. I do not think academic qualifications you possess give you or take away reason. That has nothing to do with this discussion.
    To answer me, you can do very easily: included, please, in your next post SPS paragraph defining what you say. By the way, what is the SCS?. Perhaps, as I am not "Marine Engineering Professional" I do not know what is the SPS. Thanks for your clarification.
  14. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    1.3.11 “Special personnel” means all persons who are not passengers or members of the crew or
    children of under one year of age and who are carried on board in connection with the special
    purpose of that ship or because of special work being carried out aboard that ship. Wherever in
    this Code the number of special personnel appears as a parameter, it should include the number
    of passengers carried on board which may not exceed 12.

    Special personnel are expected to be able bodied with a fair knowledge of the layout of the ship and to have received some training in safety procedures and the handling of the ship’s safety
    equipment before leaving port and include the following:

    .1 scientists, technicians and expeditionaries on ships engaged in research,
    non-commercial expeditions and survey;

    Administration, may be referred to this group. MSC 84/24/Add.2
    ANNEX 17
    Page 5

    1.3.12 “Special purpose ship”1 means a mechanically self-propelled ship which by reason of its function carries on board more than 12 special personnel2

    3 For the purposes of this Code, a special purpose ship is a ship of not less than 500 gross
    tonnage which carries more than 12 special personnel, i.e. persons who are specially needed for
    the particular operational duties of the ship and are carried in addition to those persons required
    for the normal navigation, engineering and maintenance of the ship or engaged to provide
    services for the persons carried on board.

    While the Code has been developed for new ships of 500 gross tonnage and above, Administrations may also consider the application of the provisions of the Code to ships of lesser tonnage.

    8 Noting that the Code may be readily applied to some ships that carry special personnel on board
    to which SOLAS does not apply, the Maritime Safety Committee invites Administrations to apply the
    standards of the Code to such ships to the extent deemed reasonable and practicable.
    is it ok for you ??

    + Dynamically Supported Craft Code for SWATH HULLED with aircushion ( I do not think that air cushion would be available for this project (think over 15 knots speed))

  15. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    You are assuming that the SOR of the vessel calls for the SPS code, we do not know that it does. There are, as I noted above, other statutory rules that the vessel may be also applicable. The SOR shall dicatate which is more applicable, it is not set in stone that it must be the SPS code. The owner is "free" to elect which they would like too, to facilitate their operations, so long a the MCA agrees. The MCA tend to invoke EU Directives more often than not now, unless comping reasons are given otherwise..
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