what boat is this?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Doris57, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Doris57
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    Doris57 New Member

    Hi all I won this little boat on e-bay & I have no idea what make it is & hope you guys can help me?

    It seems like a cool 1950's/60's Boat of aprox' 12ft in length with sallow draft flat bottom with 2 small runners on the underside.

    It came with the top coat of paint peeling off & I have repaired this & repainted it got the engine running & gears are now working (25hp) I have fitted new control cables & I am now trying to 50's the engine up a bit with old car chrome trim items until I can find a good older motor for it....

    I had a 1958 Crestliner when I live in the USA (Iowa) that was like new & had lots of fun with that boat but had to sell it when I returned to the UK & have been looking for another col old boat since....

    I live on a barge so this is going to be used a lot....

    any help on ID of boat would be FAB many thanks

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  2. Doris57
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    Doris57 New Member

    So no ideas? I have spent way too much time looking on line for clues also.....
  3. JakubT
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    JakubT Junior Member

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