WHAT BOAT IS THIS? identification help appreciated

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by s/v JESTER, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. s/v JESTER
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Trying to identify this boat. Have been told it's a 1974 Palmer Lippencott 25, but can't find any thing even closely related.
    Specs: 24' 8" LOA, 10'6" beam, fin keeled, 4' draft, flush deck, internal halyards lead through cockpit from inside, no hatch 'doors' ... only sliding hatch top, roomy sub-cabin.
    Can't find any hull number or any insignia on vessel.
    Sails are manufactured by Seidelmann, New Jersey. Sailbags are marked Palmer 550.
    Sails have no logo/insignia.

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  2. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    It should have a plate on the transom with some letters and numbers...the HIN. Check with the Coast Guard and they will tell you the manufacturer.
  3. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Yes, lewisboats ... one would think there would be some type of HIN
    on the transom that could be searched on the MIC Coast Guard database, however, as stated in my initial post -- no hull number or manufacturer's insignia can be found on the vessel. The transom is clean and smooth,
    with no hint of a 'ghost mark' where an HIN would have ever been.

    I found a match for a Palmer 550 in a sailmaker's database, however, my searches did not find a match for the Palmer 550 sailboat to see an image of one. The sailmaker's listing for this entry is for a boat 55 feet LOA. It's quite possible the sailbags are incorrectly named/marked.

    I was hoping with all the knowlegable captains here, we might come up with
    a match.

    Any other suggestions of where I could post my inquiry (I've also posted
    this same request to the Sail Net Forum)?

    I know someone out there knows about this model sailboat.

  4. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Dig around in the boat (if you can) because the requirement for HINs is that it be placed on the transom and also in the boat in an inconspicuous place. The transom one may have been removed but the other may not. It may also be an import...which might not have an HIN after all.
  5. s/v JESTER
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    s/v JESTER Junior Member

    Lewisboats ~ That's too is possible ... Are winches normally marked
    'Barlow Australia' like the ones in my attached image?

    I have contacted both USSailing and the Seidelmann Owner's Group moderator with a link to this thread and am currently awaiting replies.

    Thnx again!

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  6. sailor54
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    sailor54 New Member

  7. Mel Fisher
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    Mel Fisher New Member

    Boat ID

    The Palmer 550 was a Bob Seidelman MORC design from the mid-1970's. It was produced with a fixed keel, centerboard and dagger board. The centerboard version (Sting Act II) was 3rd place in Block Island Race Week / MORC class 1977. Dagger board version (Stung Over) was 4th place in same series. The J-24's took 1st & 2nd that year.
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