What are some of the design features that improve stability in boats?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by fitzgerald999, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. fitzgerald999
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    fitzgerald999 New Member

    Including catamarans
  2. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Beam, length, displacement (more->better), Cg and Ce (lower->better) mostly but other things too, pretty much everything more or less ..
  3. Pierre R
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    Pierre R Senior Member

    It kinda depends on whether you are trying to improve static stability, ultimate stability or dynamic stability. Static stability is easy to nail down and what most people think of when they think of stability. The other two can be somewhat at odds with static stability so its a bit misleading to make blank statements about improvements in stability without specifying what type of stability you are trying to improve.

    Static stability is more or less the ability of the boat to resist a tipping motion at rest.

    Ultimate stability is the ability of the boat to right itself from a capsize

    Dynamic stability is the ability of the boat to dampen motion and resist capsize from wave and wind actions while underway.

    Which type of stability did you have in mind?
  4. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

    They are all interrelated , IMO, and that is the problem. Change one, and you change the other.

    How do do you get the catamaran to right itself?
    Answer: It is a situation I will not encounter.
  5. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Same here as in your other thread:

    provide more substantial information about your goal and the vessel in question, to get some serious replies.

    These broad questions are senseless.
  6. TonyMet
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    TonyMet Boat Building Enthusiast

  7. 2buildboat
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    2buildboat Junior Member


    80 foot round hull outrigger . Steel sailboat . fluids are high in the
    hull . Outrigger folds under ..
    Easy to roll the boat , for maintaince .
    Builders use intuition , or they dont build good boats .
    This boat is convenient , easy to sail .
    All sails are wired luffs , well battened .. .
    Its about cost and how fast it can be built . Its steel , masts are
    thin tube , forged to high strength . Shrouds are 50% , stays
    are 100% .

    trampoline is for fair WX fun , because the hull is round , no flat
    spots , only teak running boards . .
    Aux is several Honda B18b Turbo variable cam timing , ultra high economy
    engines . Its a new technology , Turbo has no waste gate for the VAR intake
    cam timing . Intake CAM retards to drop the pressure at the TURBO inlet .

    It can get a car , 120 mpg .

    The hull is fast
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    That was a good one! But the wrong thread!
    Here it is at home:

    :D :D :D
  9. frank smith
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    frank smith Senior Member

  10. 2buildboat
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    2buildboat Junior Member

    ______ 2buildboat ____________

    Start at the beginning .... and when you reach the end ,, STOP ,
    said the Queen ..

    This discussion seams to have lost all PROCEEDURE .

    We need to have a real NEED , then proceed to build a better boat ..
    nixing all the arguements ... Just build it , and if one finds he is good at building , keep building , but dont get distracted , by ADVISSING others .
    Just build , and if you see a demand for your build , then offer a simple
    description of the improvements in your design .
    I like to build , not post . I enjoy finding my peers , others
    who enjoy building . I do lots of stuff , like Ham Radio , digital modes ,
    things i can use to make my life more convenient , so i can spend more
    time on boats .. I hate trivial , that takes me away from bat design ..
    We will soon get new radios , No commercials .. Wifi in PC , will
    soon link local , kill all commercial comm' ...
    The public will also get SWL . from 10 to 50 MHZ bands , all digital
    and FREE , just buy the hardware .

    Back to boats . My logic on a round hull , outrigger sailboat ,
    is ts easy to roll the hull , which in the long run , makes good stability ,
    Whereas common boats that have ballast for smooth , easy motion ,
    are slaved to that lead ballast . Thus outrigger . its more complicated ,
    but i can work with outrigger easier . KC7CC Ham Radio
  11. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

  12. mydauphin
    Joined: Apr 2007
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Welcome. You know... You are allowed complete sentences so we can understand what you mean.

  13. 2buildboat
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    2buildboat Junior Member

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