Westlawn & Cruising World Announce a New Design Competition

Discussion in 'Education' started by dgerr, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. dgerr
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    dgerr Senior Member

    Westlawn is pleased to announce a new design competition in conjunction with Cruising World magazine - http://www.cruisingworld.com/ - as announced in the September 2006 issue, and sponsored by Island Packet Yachts - http://www.ipy.com/ Enter by March 1, 2007.

    Here's the direct link to Cruising World's post of this competition:

    Design the Best Cruising Boat

    CW editors are excited to announce a new yacht-design contest: Cruising World’s Westlawn/Island Packet Yachts Design Competition. Its purpose is to encourage and highlight new and exciting designs for serious cruising under sail.

    Entered designs must meet the following criteria:
    1. The LOA must measure between 30 and 65 feet.
    2. The design must be a sailboat and may have more than one hull.
    3. The boat must be designed for serious cruising by two or more sailors for a three-week cruise, minimum.
    4. The design may be for coastwise or offshore cruising.
    5. The design may be traditional or modern, conservative or radically innovative.
    6. The designer must submit a clear mission statement, explaining the goals of the design and how these goals are met. Maximum length of this statement is 1,000 words.
    7. The designer must submit at least: general dimensions (LOA, WL, beam, waterline beam, draft); displacement; sail area; D/L ratio; SA/D ratio; ballast and ballast/displacement ratio
    8. Drawings must include sail plan/outboard profile, deck plan, arrangement plan, and inboard profile; at least four joiner (cross) sections; at least one construction section at midships; hull lines .
    9. Drawings must be submitted to scale as either manual drawings or CAD
    a. CAD files may be submitted on CD, either in AutoCAD “.dwg” or “.dxf” format, and must be finished 2D drawings (not 3D files) ready to print. Print size is to be set up for paper no wider than 24 inches (609 mm.).
    b. Renderings must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format.
    c. Manual drawings must be no larger than E size (36 inches by 48 inches or 914 by 1219 mm.).
    d. Do not send original drawings. Drawings will not be returned.
    10. The design must not be previously built or published elsewhere other than in preview form on a designer’s website before Cruising World’s announcement of winner(s) in the August 2007 issue.
    11. No more than two designs may be submitted by any one entrant.
    12. Contest is open except to employees (and family members) of Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology, the American Boat & Yacht Council, Island Packet Yachts, and World Publications. (ABYC members may enter, but not ABYC employees.)​

    The judges panel will consist of top designers and sailing experts and will judge entries on:

    • The designs’ potential success and utility as cruising boats;
    • How well the designs meet their mission statement;
    • Beauty (classic, modern, or ultramodern; innovation - whether in modern or traditional designs);
    • Ease of handling, comfort, and safety.​

    All criteria will have equal weight. The judges will select from all entries a group of up to 12 finalists. From these, one winner and up to four honorable mentions will be selected.

    The winner will have his or her design featured in an article in Cruising World and will receive a prize of a $2,000 scholarship to any Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology course or $1,000 check, at the winner’s option, along with a certificate as the winner of Cruising World’s Westlawn/Island Packet Design Competition of 2007. Honorable mentions will receive a certificate.

    The Editors, CW

    Mail your design entry to:
    Cruising World Design Competition
    Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
    613 Third Street, Suite 10
    Annapolis, MD 21403

    Web: http://www.westlawn.edu/

    All entries must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2007.

    Dave Gerr
    Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
  2. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    I'd like to invite anyone entering the competition above to utilize a Ditmore Monowing Keel, either with or without trailing edge flap on the winglet. Advantages include higher lift/drag ratio for better windward performance relative to draft, and (with flap) the option of dialing in more dynamic stability.

    Either before or after you win the competition, I'd like to be a part of making your project real. Should a boat with my keel be built for sale as new, I will expect to be paid or offered a royalty agreement. But this is not a get rich quick scheme. You'll find me friendly, fair, and easy to work with.

    Fair Winds,

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  3. competition
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    competition New Member

    Do you want to participate in a competition?

    Are you talented? Are you interested in joining a competition but don’t known where to find one?

    Well! We at http://www.competearoundtheworld.com offer you a resource full of information on various categories of competitions that is going on through out the world.

    No matter where you are or what your talent is, all you need is to log on to our website and join your preferred category of competition and win prizes and accolades from all over the world.

    Come, Compete and Conquer!

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  4. dougfrolich
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    dougfrolich Senior Member

  5. dgerr
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    dgerr Senior Member

    The Competition Results Are In!

    The results of the Westlawn/Cruising World design competition sponsored by Island Packet Yachts are in!

    Of 53 entrants, Westlawn alumni and students made up five of the top ten entries! (Judges did not know who were Westlawn students or alumni or not.) Click here to read the details:


    Click here to read the article about the design competition in Cruising World:


    Dave Gerr
    Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
  6. competition
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    competition New Member

    Want to prove yourself as a competitor?

    Not everyone is talented. Not every talented are competitors. If you feel as a talented competitor, CONGRATS! You have reached your start place.

    Get details about the competitions conducted world wide in no time.

    Visit our Website http://www.competearoundtheworld.com and participate in your favorite competition and experience the pleasure of winning.

    We also encourage people who like to report about their competition.

    What are you waiting for?

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  7. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Reader's Voting Request

    I think it might have been nice for the readers to be able to view the written submissions by the finalist if they are being ask to submit their votes on the contestant's submissions.

    And considering these were limited to 1000 words each, it would not consume too much bandwidth on you 'finalist site'.
  8. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    i too think it might have been nice to view all the submissions
    from all designs at least a extraction or pic telling a 1000 words
    my congratulations to winner clinker 31 looking classic and simple
  9. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    ALL Contestant's Submissions Aired

    Well I see it has been 3-4 weeks since the announcement of the finalist design winners in this contest, and yet only 111 readers have responded with a vote?? That would seem to be a pretty low turnout considering the readership of Cruising World??

    I had suggested previously:
    Nobody took up that challenge, so I will suggest another. I think it would be interesting to view ALL of the submissions (53 total I believe). There might be some other 'dark horses' in there that never see the light of day. Maybe that would excite the readers to a higher voting turnout. Or maybe some other interesting ideas would surface that got lost in the shuffle.

    I had suggested that some of these might be published on their "finalist website'. But as I got to thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that they could be published right here on this subject thread. Why not! This is a Boat Design forum, and one of the best anywhere on the internet! This is the place to air out thiose other design ideas. (personally I thought that many of the final selections were rather ho-hum considering the contest definition "to encourage and highlight new and exciting designs")

    Lets get ALL 53 submissions posted on this subject thread. Post the dwgs, and the 1000 word documents. And if that is deemed too much work by any one party, lets inform each contestant that he/she can do their own posting.

    Since we don't have any numbering system to utilize, lets just say that the INITIAL posting of any particular design must be made under the name designation that the contestant utilized with their submission to the contest. Then subsequent responses by other forum members and guest can be directed to the particular design.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2007
  10. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Brian this is a good idea, so I will kick off with a few pictures of my submission to start it rolling.

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  11. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Thanks bhnautika,
    Do you have a 'TITLE' for your design....so responders can refer to it later in the subject thread?

    Please give us some more info. Looks interesting moving that mizzen into clearer air
  12. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    And this one was my submission - Claudia43
    Hull material - steel.

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  13. yipster
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    yipster designer

    my original contribution was this one pictured here
    meanwhile i've named her ladybird and changed the copy a bit

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  14. brian eiland
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    Beautiful renderings, Alik !!

  15. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    62' DynaRig Motor-Sailing Catamaran

    Here are a couple of renderings of my submission, along with a cover letter of introduction.

    The drawings I submitted are for the most part now posted on my website at:

    Cruising World’s Westlawn/Island Packet Yachts
    Design Competition 2007​

    Subject: Cover Letter

    Dear Competition Judging Commitee;
    Please accept my submission, a 62’ Motor-Sailing Catamaran.

    Upon closer review you will find that I have an existing website* that depicts a similar exploration/gamefishing vessel sporting a unique ‘single-masted ketch’ sailing rig. That prior design was presented in the form of a concept-scale model at the 2005 Miami boat show, but it was never built, nor published in any peer-reviewable form or magazine.

    I now bring forth a brand new design based on that same theme, but quite innovative and new in its own right. It has not been published, nor shown in public yet.

    Here I have chosen another unusual sailing rig for this new design, a modern version of the old square-rigger. My prior ‘mast-aft ketch’ had elicited notable resistance among members of the conservative sailing community. Today I am far more confident in selling this new design and rig, as a brave and resourceful gentleman, Tom Perkins, has so boldly presented a real-life ‘proof-of-concept’ of the DynaRig aboard his innovative and fabulous new superyacht, Maltese Falcon**

    It might be interpreted that I have made two submissions, both utilizing the DynaRig. 1) One version of this vessel design is powered by a retractable rim-drive propeller unit that is just on the horizon as a real product. 2) The second submission makes use of a conventional propeller (duo-prop or single prop) driven by an unconventional chain/belt shaft arrangement. This second version is mounted in a heavier displacement hull, a modified Malcolm Tennant style ‘canoe stern’ hull. The rim-drive propulsion could also be adapted to this heavier displacement CS vessel.

    My design offers a capability for world cruising under sail with a limited crew. I believe this meets all of the stated contest rules.

    (These renderings were not submitted to the contest as they were only completed at a later date. They were also not done by me, but rather a talented young gentlman by the name of Eric Day)

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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2007
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