Westlawn 2013

Discussion in 'Education' started by RGorshkov, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. RGorshkov
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    RGorshkov Junior Member

    Westlawn 2013 / Education in UK

    Hi all,

    I know there were a lot of discussions about yacht design schools, but I have quick questions:

    1. Is everything ok with Westlawn school? It looks like they don't make any updates on their web page…
    2. Do they update their main course of yacht design? Is their education and studying outputs up-to-date?
    3. Are there any other part-time or online courses in UK

    Don't spend much time on these questions , I know they are annoying ). Just Yes/No and web link

  2. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

  3. RGorshkov
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    RGorshkov Junior Member

    I was wondering if they updating their education program?
  4. RGorshkov
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    RGorshkov Junior Member

    There also were a lot of questions about books, but what is nice book to read for start.
    With no knowledge about building and designing boats. With history and explanations of different types of boats.

  5. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Boating experience is the first 'book'. No such experience - no need to touch it.

  6. RGorshkov
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    RGorshkov Junior Member

    Cool, thanks for advice.
    Very useful
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