West Systems Epoxy gear pump

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Steve W, May 9, 2015.

  1. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I have a West systems gear pump which is currently set up to dispense epoxy at a 3:1 ratio which I was hoping to use with Proset infusion epoxy but they tell me it wont work for that as the tolerances in the gears are not close enough for the lower viscosity of infusion resin, so I would like to change out the sprockets to convert it for use with the 2:1 general purpose resins I typically use. The West tech guys were not able to tell me what sprockets to use as the don't make any 2:1 epoxies so I was wondering if anyone here has done this. It would be easy to figure out if both the resin and hardener pumps were the same size but they are not. Any constructive help appreciated before I just start trial and error testing.

  2. Tungsten
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    Tungsten Senior Member

    I wouldn't even fool around with mechanical dispensers.Weigh scale is 100% accurate all the time, costs about $15 for one that goes to 20 lbs.So easy,2000 grams epoxy for the kind I have 860 grams hardener mix and go.Three hours later your not wondering if your mechanical thingy was accurate.

    What mess I guy would have to spend all that time setting up an infusion only to have it all messed up because one part got sticky and failed to give you an accurate amount.
  3. pauloman
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    pauloman Epoxy Vendor

    paper/plastic filled twice with Part A and once with part B - toss when done - no sticky mess. note that mix ratio by volume (most common in the diy market) is different from the mix ratio by weight....

    paul - epoxyproducts.com
  4. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Tungsten, in my experience ( thousands of gallons of epoxy dispensed over 45 years) inaccuracies can occur with either weight or volume, with weight it comes from bad math, with volume, from pumps not metering accurately or again, bad math if mixing with cups. Most, actually all professional shops I know mix by volume because it is reliable. The only times I have ever seen epoxy that hasn't cured properly it was because someone failed to stir it properly, not because of inaccurate pumps. I started this thread in the hope of finding someone with actual experience with these gear pumps, not to have folks try to sway me to their favorite method.

  5. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Check out this Pro-Set adhesive product listed at JD. Is Pro-Set the professional line of West System? (Uh, guess it's true. Learned something new.)

  6. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    The Pro Set I use is West systems low viscosity infusion resin.

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