Welding - internal aft access?

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by Banksy, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. Banksy
    Joined: Dec 2021
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    Banksy Junior Member

    Love this ceramic tape
    Here's a link to an Australian supplier Might have to give this a go I feel but I still wonder how I'll paint the internal weld.
  2. Banksy
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    Banksy Junior Member

    If I were to cut the area you suggested, would I not still be left with the problem of painting the internal welded area after I weld that area back up ? I'll ahve a much better look this weekend once I'm back aboard.
  3. Banksy
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    Banksy Junior Member

    She's a Van De Stadt HJB 41
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Dry ice blasting is extremely hazardous in a confined space. As the ice melts it floods the compartment with CO2 which will suffocate anyone in the area. You need to have air supply to a mask and preferably a gas monitor too.
    Olav and hoytedow like this.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Re the General Arrangement drawing posted above, it looks like you have a water-tight bulkhead on the forward side of the steering gear compartment?
    I presume that there is an access hatch to get to the steering gear - it looks rather tight, but if you can weld it from the outside as per Barry's suggestion, would it not be possible to get inside through the hatch to paint the weld areas?

    Edit - I just had another look at the photos on the first page, including the photo of the rudder stock and quadrant, and there does not appear to be a bulkhead as shown in the drawing. If you could get access to take the photo, you should have enough access for painting?
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  6. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    A professional company would more than likely know this, wouldn't you think?
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  7. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    You still will have to provide some inspection holes to be able to push the tape into the back of the insert from the inside BUT they do not need to be as large as holes that would be required to do weld from the inside.
    The ceramic option is just that, an option as you can produce one side welded Welding Bureau approved welds from one side. There are millions of miles of oil field pipe lines welded, x-rayed etc from one side.
    Not sure what welding head that you have on the Mig, but if it is a Spoolamatic or equivalent, you can purchase for about $100 a flexible transition piece between the gun and the nozzle to permit confine space welding
  8. Banksy
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    Banksy Junior Member

    This sounds like the go I feel. something on a 90degree angle perhaps to get into confined spaces. I'll also have to push clean air through the space yes ? I'll take more pix tomorrow and post them here once I get back to the vessel. ( I just purchased her so have do a proper handover from the previous owner ) He might be able to show me the best interanl entry point as well.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    One would think. However, we see enough deaths in the industry that merits the comment.
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  10. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    A flex nozzle permits just about any angle or a cobra (or equivalent push pull) gun


    FreedomDriveâ„¢ | ABICOR BINZEL https://www.binzel-abicor.com/US/eng/products/manual/push-pull-torches/welding-torch-freedom-drive/?utm_term=wire%20feeder&utm_campaign=FreedomDrive+-+Q4+2021&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_tgt=kwd-21499366&hsa_grp=131987258569&hsa_src=g&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_mt=b&hsa_ver=3&hsa_ad=558122429937&hsa_acc=2913790878&hsa_kw=wire%20feeder&hsa_cam=15141206390&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7rqc14zI9AIVrh-tBh386Q5xEAAYAyAAEgJADfD_BwE

    Quite the link address the website provided above. But the company is www.binzel-abicor.com

    As a normal push pull gun is very long, it mainly offers a smaller head/nozzle. This unit is installed 6 feet away from the head and uses a small mig head assembly and appears to be smallest for limited access welding. The advantages then are a lighter head assembly and in a large production shop, the economy of buying 5 or 10 pound rools/spools or wire that can be mounted on the main welder.

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    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021

  11. Banksy
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    Banksy Junior Member

    Yesterday I took a trip back to the vessel and finally found some access points . This makes things 100% easier . Having said this I notice the port side aft corner suffers the same corrosion issue & on that side there seems to be no internal access... guess ya can't win em all right
    NOTE: It's been raining hard here for weeks (Sydney Australia ) you'd think Summer time here now & yet all we get the past few weeks is grey cloud and constant rain.
    I wait... :(
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
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