
Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by alanrockwood, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. alanrockwood
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    alanrockwood Senior Member

  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    That IB700 looks like a nice design for steel - but what would you want to use the vessel for once you have built it?

    If the plans for this boat seem to be a tad expensive at 1,000 euros, this is still just a fraction of the cost of building the boat, even if you do all the work yourself.
    She has impressive towing bollards, but the cleats on the gunwhales are less so, although they are probably strong enough for the job.

    Weldboats IB700.jpg
  3. alanrockwood
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    alanrockwood Senior Member

    If I build it I think it would be for a fun boat, a bit of fresh water fishing, maybe going out on the lake for some time on the water, perhaps including an occasional on-board picnic, zipping around at higher speed on the lake for fun (I think it has a planing hull or at least a semi-planing hull), maybe an occasional overnight trip, etc., probably no water skiing, and I would not be using it as work boat. In addition to some nearby lakes and reservoirs, Lake Powell (which is a very larger reservoir in the US) is less than one day's drive from my home, and the steel hull might provide good peace of mind in case I bumped into some of the cliffs that border Lake Powell in some places. (The wild card is that we are in a serious multi-year drought, and Lake Powell is on its way to running dry unless the drought breaks.)

    I almost said that I would not be using it on salt water, but that might not actually be the case because the Great Salt Lake is probably the closest body of water to my home. However, I would not be using it on the ocean.

    I would be trailering the boat. It looks like the width of the boat is narrow enough for the local traffic laws.

    I wonder if they could supply plans for just a little longer boat, maybe 7.5 meters or so.

    I imagine that the cleats on the gunwales could be upgraded to something a better without too much trouble.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Unless you have your heart set on building a steel boat, then for the SOR that you describe it would be much easier in the long run (not to mention significantly less expensive) to simply buy a secondhand fibreglass boat.

    Copied below is a link to an excellent build thread on the YBW Forum of a 12 metre steel motor cruiser - ok, this is a lot bigger than the 7 metre Weldboat that you are interested in building, but if you have the patience to read through the initial few pages, it gives an idea of the complexities in building a steel hull. And John built his boat from a kit of parts, he did not have to cut plate or sections himself.
    Steel boat build - Almarine 1200fa https://forums.ybw.com/index.php?threads/steel-boat-build-almarine-1200fa.580705/
  5. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Price is inline with cope, and spec mar and response marine who all design similar type craft. In north America the difference in cost between a steel hull welded, blasted primed and painted vs an aluminum hull is negligible on a full fit out boat.
  6. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    The bow sections in the transition do look to be quite convex.
    That’s quite a feat for an amateur builder to accomplish, especially in such a small vessel.
  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Really? They look like simplistic designs popular on the US west coast from the 70s...

  8. alanrockwood
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    alanrockwood Senior Member

    Very interesting link that you posted.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2022
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