
Discussion in 'Materials' started by stilloutoffocus, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. stilloutoffocus
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    stilloutoffocus dealership repair flunkie

    im up against a new material here and i dont know how close it is to what im used to. i've used patch-aid wax solution for years but my customer this time came up with something called wax-sol that is clear instead of yellow. its new to me so im not sure if i should use it just like patch-aid to thin and seal the gelcoat or if it acts any different. does it thin as patchaid does? is it ok to use in filler applications if you are going to top coat as i do with patch-aid? also, while searching around for this stuff on the internets ive come across a product called duratec and i was wondering if any of you folks had any experience with it and what your thoughts were on it. does it really make a gloss finish that requires little or no finishing? thanks alot youalls.
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Wouldn't the logical place to start be, the various manufactures and formulators of the products you have questions about?
  3. War Whoop
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    War Whoop Senior Member

    It maybe just wax solution or modifier C. Does it smell like Styrene?
  4. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    Before using anything new I really would like to have both technical and safety datasheets from the manufacturer.
  5. fg1inc

    fg1inc Guest

    Wax sol is styrene with parafin, used as a surfacing agent for the final coat. Don't use it for anything but the final coat as it will cause delamination of subsequent coats. Duratec is a better choice.
  6. War Whoop
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    War Whoop Senior Member

    A seat of the pants test would be putting a few drops in acetone and watch for the separation of the wax. Overseas we made it by melting paraffin and mixing it in styrene.
  7. stilloutoffocus
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    stilloutoffocus dealership repair flunkie

    thats pretty much what this looks like to me, im not sure what the wax agent in patch aid is but its yellow rather than white. ive been trying to look it up but all im finding is ear wax remover. so far i havent bee overly thrilled with it though admittedly all these materials ive got on this job are from manufacturers im not familiar with (ive heard of kardol but havent used them much though i havent heard much good about them) this is a new customer and he just wants to hurry up and get his boat back on the trailer so im trying to work it out for him.

  8. stilloutoffocus
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    stilloutoffocus dealership repair flunkie

    ive just started hearing about duratec and im starting my research on it, id like to try it out and see how it acts but that $100 a gallon pricetag is a bit inhibitive. anyone know some good sources where i might be able to come by a quart or so just to play with? i might be able to talk my boss into the stuff if it is as good as they claim.
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