Wave resistance prediction.

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Alexanov, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    Some time, between hulls can be generated huge wave, as an interference of the wave patterns from each hull. As I understand it's depends from distance between hulls, hull lenght, speed and so on... Is any simple method to predict this situation on early design stage?
  2. Alexanov
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    Alexanov Senior Member

  3. hump101
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    hump101 Senior Member

  4. Alexanov
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    Thank's. I will study it. One of my client design small workboat catamaran. That was some problem on 12 knots speed - huge wave beetween hulls. Soo shipowner was not happy. If we will be able to predict this situation, it will help to avoid such problem.

  5. Will Fraser
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    Will Fraser Senior Member

    The free Michlet program is a useful tool that can predict wave interference between hulls. The link to download it should still be available on the forum - just do a search for it.

    I have only used it to to evaluate simple hull shapes for a 12ft trimaran concept. By careful choice of hull spacing, it is possible to even cancel a portion of the wave drag, but this seems to only happen over very limited speed ranges. It also seems that the more a particular design cancels the wave drag at a particular speed, the more it reinforces it outside the beneficial speed range.

    I have yet to try it out, but there is a separate program called Godzilla that combines the results from Michlet with a genetic algorithm to search for optimum design parameters.
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