Wave resistance in Maxsurf

Discussion in 'Software' started by Zygan, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. Zygan
    Joined: Dec 2017
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    Zygan Junior Member

    Is there anyway to export the data from the wave resistance in Maxsurf? I can see the graph but can't get any results aside from those from total resistance and power.
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I use these options to get the printed results
    Snap50.jpg Snap52.jpg
    Hydromax ............................................ Hullspeed
  3. Zygan
    Joined: Dec 2017
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    Zygan Junior Member

    I meant the table of results not the graph itself. In Hullspeed you can see the results in table format for resistance and power at different speeds. Can the values of wave resistance coefficient be shown in that format. I guess it must be able to do it since its able to draw a graph so the data must be somewhere.

  4. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, you need to open the "Results" window and then print the table.
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