Water through prop?

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by Allen MCcullough, Jun 26, 2022.

  1. Allen MCcullough
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Allen MCcullough New Member

    I have a 2004 Campion with a mercruiser 5.0 mpi i/o . recently engine is running hot. Hooked up to muffs and water was coming out of ports on bottom of transom. But no water is coming out of prop. Is this lower end impeller? Engine water pump impeller? Or ?
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Are the transom ports you referenced exhaust ports?
    It’s possible that the exhaust is not routed through the propeller at all.
    In any case, when an engine overheats, it’s time for immediate action, normally starting with the raw water pump, possibly extending far beyond that, but we can’t see that from where we are.
  3. Allen MCcullough
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Allen MCcullough New Member

    Not even sure engine was hot as temp gauge is not working. But when I shut off engine and tried to restart an alarm went off. Was told that this was a safety when engine is too hot. Next day engine started right up? But told that water coming out of prop is what cools exhaust. Wanted to take to shop but they are 6+ weeks out. N dont have much confidence in shops in Phoenix.
  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    How did you determine the engine overheated without a temperature gauge?
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  5. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    You need to find a competent mechanic.
    7228sedan likes this.
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