Waszp-the Peoples Foiler(I hope)

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Many years ago(2006), right here, I suggested that sooner or later a boat would be developed using bi-foiler hydrofoils that would be relatively inexpensive, one design and ruggedly built. The main criterion of whether a boat is actually a "Peoples Foiler" is how well it is embraced by the public. So this thread will follow the Waszp, due to be on scene in about three months-and I hope this boat meets the requirements of a Peoples Foiler sooner rather than later!
    For a long time it has been hinted at by AMAC(Andrew McDougal-designer of the Mach II Moth built by McConaghy in China).
    The idea is to keep the cost at about half of the cost of the Moth, weight maybe 20kg more but with features such as retractable boards so the boat doesn't have to be carried out on its side, three rigs for different weights, much stronger foils much less expensive than Moth foils and a one design for kids and adults.
    Here is a short video where the Waszp is discussed starting at about 3 min. in:
  2. Darth Reapius
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    Darth Reapius Junior Member

    Do you have to hike your *** off?
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Probably about the same as a Laser in terms of hiking with much more speed for the effort expended.
  4. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    Sounds very exciting. Quite an accomplishment product wise if he hits the targets. 12/wk starting in AU I suspect it could be more than a year before they are no longer supply constrained and looking to add markets. In AU it will compete with used boats but that may not be a problem if it is easier to use and maintain. I suspect it will take off as one design racer.
  5. Darth Reapius
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    Darth Reapius Junior Member

    Just wish there was a way to have something like a moth, with smaller racks, and a trapeze, if you have to hike hard, then it isn't for everyone, I can compete on any trap-boat with eze, but spine says nope to hiking hard.
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Peoples Foiler

    Follow the foiling multies coming on the market-all have trapezes. Probably the easiest to learn compared to a Moth. Especially check out the Whisper.....
  7. Darth Reapius
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    Darth Reapius Junior Member

    Not worried about learning, but there would be no one to sail against, high maintenance, and the whisper looks way to light, we pretty much only sail in 15-25 knots
  8. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    The balancing act of tacking is pretty hard on the big wings. I tend to think traps would be too dificult/time consuming for the moth or similar mono. I also wonder if it would be a safety problem. The dynamic is different when the sailor weighs >2X the boat. I think traps are more appropriate on the foiling multihulls.
  9. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    There's the RS 600, nearly 20 years old now, and the Musto skiff and RS 700 both of which also have asymmetrics. Check them out. Hundreds sold. Even a few RS600FF, the foiling version, about 10 years ago

  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    The singlehanded trapeze RS600FF was the first new bi-foiler to beat a Moth in a race about 4 or 5 years ago. Linton Jenkins converted the new boats to all-carbon and shortly after that he(Full Force) and the 600FF were no more. It was a cool boat because it showed that a monofoiler didn't have to be as skinny as a Moth and it had retractable foils so it could easily be sailed off a beach. The worst thing about it is that it was a conversion and not designed as a foiler from the get go. But it made history.
    He was also involved with the Tomahawk,a singlehanded hiking foiler with what was ,in essence, a surface piercing foil so it needed no wand. The foil was very unique.


    RS600FF and Tomahawk: Linton worked with Jon Howes who designed the foil which he called "a practical ventilated foil" :

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  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  13. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    Looks great! It appears they deliver on all promises. How much is "half the price of a MachII"?

    I am a bit surprised it retains features from moth history like the rudder gantry. It seems more like a marketing decision to keep resemblance/compatibility than optimum. The unstayed rig/sail could take time to refine.

    The extruded aluminum foil could be a very popular part. I could even see the moth class considering it to contain cost and competition. I wonder if it will be offered in various lengths and paired with different sail sizes to accommodate sailor mass.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Waszp (tentative?) foil tips:


  15. Trent hink
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    Trent hink Junior Member

    You just ruined my day. That's my kitesurfing wind, and lately here in Florida it seems I never get to go.
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