Warren Light Craft Tandem Sail manuals/rigging guide?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by andybrnr, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. andybrnr
    Joined: Dec 2012
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    andybrnr Junior Member

    Hi all,

    Just became the third owner of a 2015 Warren Light Craft Tandem Sail, which is a cool little tri / sailing kayak design. My wife and I have essentially no sailing experience and bought the boat to learn (we're avid kayakers, so getting a new double kayak as part of the deal was attractive). The gentleman we purchased it from didn't receive any manuals or documentation from the original owner, so figured I'd ask if anybody here owns one and whether a manual exists in PDF form? I'd try the manufacturer, but seems they closed up a few years back.

  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Sailboats fundamentally all work the same.

    Just go find a sailing instruction book. Half price books will probably have a few.
    Perhaps someone here will offer a specific suggestion.

    Do you have a question? How about a picture, I just vaguely remember the boat.

    Perhaps Hobie has a manual for their kayak/trimaran sailboats.
  3. andybrnr
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    andybrnr Junior Member

    Hi upchurchmr - appreciate the response. I've lurked here as an aero and fluid dynamics nerd for years, but now that it's time to actually get "practical," realizing that I pretty much know nothing :)

    Basic layout is a roller furling jib, aluminum section mast with internal track for a battened square top main with one reef point. Think the Hobie vids will help in terms of a guide for setting up the furling jib. Just was hoping for either instructions/drawings or detailed photos of a rigged boat to make sure I'm routing the sheets correctly to the cockpit and that I'm properly utilizing the hardware. Would feel pretty stupid if I attached a stay to the wrong spot or forgot to secure some little hardware lock that resulted in unintended/undesigned loads to carbon bits and things breaking.

    Will try setting it up on the trailer this evening if it's calm and will photograph either the state at which I get stumped or the final result and anything questionable for feedback. Thanks!
  4. andybrnr
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    andybrnr Junior Member

  5. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I always admired those boats, except for the fixed fins in the floats.
    Be glad to help as I can.
    There should be some Hobie sailors here. What happened to my typing?
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