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Wanted: small used multihull cruising sailboat

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by peterchech, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. peterchech
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    peterchech Senior Member

    I'm not having much luck on any of the boat-selling websites. I live in the Northeast USA. I am looking for a smallish cruising multihull sailboat. 5-10k is the budget. 20-25' length with at least a cuddy but preferably some sort of cabin. I have been considering building a Woods Janus (22'), or a Crowther Buccaneer 24. So something like those boats would be what I'm looking for.

    Like I said, If I don't find anything used I will just have to build one, but I'd rather pick up a used one even if it needs significant work.

    I have found lots of used monohulls in this price range, but I really want a multi so...
  2. Wavewacker
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    I've been looking for about the same thing......nothing in my area of the midwest (lol)! At 5K you will really be limited, could you go to 15 with 5 down and finace the balance? And I don't borrow either! But it would open the field.

    I do know they exist, home bulit usually from what I found and who knows if the builder did everything properly.....

    I have also seen some project boats where the builder was giving up or changed plans as they say, might be better than starting from scratch.

    Another idea at that price is a damaged boat that is repairable, I would think that might be an option opposed to building from scratch as well.

    I know I'll have to travel to southern Cali or FA probably. My Cat idea has taken a back burner since I could not find anything either. Good luck!
  3. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I recently saw a Reynolds 21 on craigslist, in minnesota i think, you need to be prepared to travel to get something
  4. peterchech
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    peterchech Senior Member

    I don't mind traveling, and I don't mind a homebuild (I have home built a few boats and I think I know what to look for quality wise)...

    I just tried boats.com, yachtworld, and craigslist. No luck. This may just be one of those word of mouth things IDK but that's why I'm posting it here...

    My budget is 5-10K, which is I think reasonable for a homebuilt pocketcruiser... the only multis I have seen are Geminis and bigger, none cheaper than 40K...

  5. Steve W
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Ok, Peter, sorry,that Reynolds 21 is on Sailing Texas, not craigslist. Only been on there for a couple of weeks, you better get on it or it will be gone, only $5500. As you know already, this type of boat is hard to find. I had to drive from minnesota to Virginia to get a 40yr old Pacific cat 19 because that is what i was after, 3000 mile trip for a $300 boat.
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