Wanted: designer & engineer supervisor – Zhu Hai,South of China, Tricon Marine

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by tricon, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. tricon
    Joined: Dec 2008
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    Location: Zhuhai,China

    tricon Junior Member

    Tricon Marine is a 100% Canadian owned and operated shipyard working in their brand new purpose built shipyard located in Zhuhai, PRC. Tricon Marine is dedicated to delivering expertise and premium quality not available anywhere else in Asia. Tricon’s goal is to become known around the world as the shipyard of choice when buyers, designers, and brokers are looking for the finest yacht construction and finish for their next yacht project.
    Through our continuous business growth and success, we now have the following positions available.

    Zhuhai, only an hour away from exciting Hong Kong, is a thriving metropolitan waterfront area, with five star hotels and fine dining, as well as beautiful scenery.

    1. Familiar in Marine/yacht building practices and regulation, capable of supervise and managing the whole engineering team,
    2.Abundance experience in marine engineering and yacht building, perform as technical supervisor or engineering manager for 5 year or above.
    3.Yacht Stylist expert
    4.Good organization and management skills

    For more details, please email: Pattyhuang@triconmarine.com


    Thank you for your attention.
  2. fjta
    Joined: Jun 2005
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    Location: Italy

    fjta Junior Member

    industrial designer

    Good morning,

    please have a look to my cv and portfolio following this link:


    Best regards

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