Wageningen B-Series Bp-Delta Diagrams Request

Discussion in 'Props' started by hhhhar, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. hhhhar
    Joined: May 2010
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    hhhhar Harun

    I need Wageningen B-6.65 Bp-Delta diagram for a school project.I search the internet but all i can find is Kt-Kq diagram.If anyone has this it will be so helpfull :)
  2. Tim B
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  3. hhhhar
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    hhhhar Harun

    I have already looked them but like i said these are Kt-Kq diagrams, there are some Bp diagrams avaible but i couldn't able to find Bp diagram for B-6.65 yet
  4. Tim B
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  5. hhhhar
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    hhhhar Harun

    These diagrams were drawn after more than 200 lab test how do you except me to draw them? I know how to design a propeller by using series data and i have already calculated by using Kt-Kq diagrams by i want to crosscheck by using Bp-Delta diagrams
  6. johneck
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    johneck Senior Member

    You can create the Bp-d plot using the open water data. You only need a small part near the area of interest for your design. There is not really much point, obviously the data is the same as the open water test data.
    I don't think that many people use the Bp-d charts any more since computers have made it so fast and easy to perform calculations. There is regression data for the series and even lifting line and lifting surface calculations run in less time than it takes to hit the <enter> key.
    A long time ago it helped to make a good starting guess to reduce iterations and save a lot of time and effort. Now you can just start with 1 and iterate until the optimal solution is found and it still only takes a fraction of a second!
  7. hhhhar
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    hhhhar Harun

    I know but for this homework i have to design by using wageningen b series data Thanks for helps
  8. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    Where can Wageningen B series Bu-d diagrams be found?
    Searching the Forum, there are Bp-d and Kt Kq n diagrams by dozen, but not Bu-d
    The ones in PYD (original book) are almost illegible...

  9. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Make them up!

    Who will know if there's no information available?
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