Volvo Penta

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Runaway30ft, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Runaway30ft
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    Runaway30ft New Member

    Hi I own a 30 ft riviera with a 165 Volvo Penta with a 280 duo prop stern drive and when driving the boat it's very hard to keep in a straight line your for ever turning the wheel and it gets worst the faster you go and I was just seeing if I put fins on the stern drive will this change any thing and also what would the motor weigh the model is a aqad40b as I'm thinking of taking the motor out for abit of work do I have to take the leg off first to get the motor out or can I take the motor out with out taking the boat out of the water
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The first thing to check is if there is excessive play on the steering. Block the drive and move the steering wheel back an forth to check it. Also, shake the drive and see if there is too much play there too.
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