Volvo Penta 290SP AD31B fixup

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by Katoh, Dec 27, 2010.

  1. Katoh
    Joined: May 2010
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    Katoh Senior Member

    G'Day All
    Recently purchased a Fisher 20' plate alloy boat with a AD31B motor and 290SP leg, both in working condition. I have to repair the hull in a few locations and around the keel, so the boat will be suspended with some scaffolding and beams ect.
    I plan to remove the motor and leg as so to clean up that area and fix any Pitts and give it a (Dulux Overhaul) paint job. My question is while having the motor and leg off the boat should I be looking into repairing or changing parts on either. I have no idea on the hours of both, it shows 260hours but the tacho does not work of course.
    I have had a mechanic just quickly look at the motor and in his opinion the motor is fine. What about things like anodes, raw water pump, bellows, seals on the leg bearings ect? while both are out should I look into changing things.
    Is there any Kits available I should be buying or am I on a money wasting quest.
    what is the general consensus, and what would you do?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Impeller is a must at least every couple of years. Inspect the bellows and maybe change them. Inspect the gimball bearing. Pressure/vacuum test the drive for leaks and repair if necessary.
  3. Katoh
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    Katoh Senior Member

    So a raw water pump kit is a must, I am thinking bellows I will change and any other gasket or part that may allow water to flow in, Looking at prices there quite cheap. The Anode around the prop is quite deteriorated so anodes all round as well. How do you pressure test the drive? I think the drive at some point has been re painted a sliver color.
    There is no badge's on the drive at all, I thought the Volvo's were white? How can you tell if someone else has had a go at the leg.

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You use a pressure/vaccum pump with a gauge connected to the fill hole. Test to 10PSI pressure and 5PSI vacuum. It should hold for at least five minutes.
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