Volvo Ocean Race 2017

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
    Posts: 16,679
    Likes: 351, Points: 93, Legacy Rep: 1362
    Location: Cocoa, Florida

    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
    Posts: 16,679
    Likes: 351, Points: 93, Legacy Rep: 1362
    Location: Cocoa, Florida

    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Volvo's New Boat:

    Final decision, for the time being ,is to go with 60' monohulls equipped for full foiling using a main foil similar to the IMOCA 60's but including port and stb rudder t-foils-the missing ingredient(banned by the IMOCA rules) for full flying instead of limiting to foil assist.
    The in-port races of the Volvo will be held in 30-50' foiling cats.......

    Catamaran Racing, News & Design

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