Vintage marine hardware

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by iceboater, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. iceboater
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    iceboater Junior Member

    I just bought a boat that my grandfather owned from 1960-1983.
    The boat is Marieholm´s Sweet Sixteen, made in Sweden.
    I am going to restore the boat to original and I am trying to find source for vintage marine hardware, cleats, window frames , step plates and steering wheel.
    Have not found any useful source with google and would like to ask if anyone can tell me where to look for vintage marine hardware.

    Thanks, Axel

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  2. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Anywhere you can find 'em.

    Smart-assed answer I know but it's true.

    Junk yards, grave yards, Ebay, ocean floor...

  3. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    You can find it anywhere when you don't need it.
    When you need it, you can't find it at all ....
    that's the way it goes for me :)

    Grand boat you have iceboater. Good luck with the restoration.
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Most of the time old hardware has to be restored, unless it's a model that was produced in substantial numbers and still has a following, such as Chris Craft.

    Restoration isn't difficult for the most part, send it off and get it rechromed. Making parts can be costly, but again not as difficult as you might think. A wooden representation of the part can be cast in one of several metals, then plated or polished to the finish of choice. This is for serious restorations, which most don't bother with, but if you have an old Fife (as an example) and need an accurate winch handle, there are many small foundries that can cast the part for you from a mockup, even from just pictures.
  6. iceboater
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    iceboater Junior Member

    Thanks, Michael and PAR

    I did not get any hardware with the boat and before I start thinking about having these parts casted I would like to try to find them used or new. Here are more pictures of the parts that I am looking for.
    I borrowed them from this blog

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  7. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Those cleats and fender hooks are widely available.

    Genuine , authentic, parts are eye watering expensive to purchase. 1000 dollar running lights, thousand dollar steering wheels. Many crazy people with too much money in thier pockets.

    Italians still produce many very nice pieces of marine hardware. Ill look for my Italian links or do some googling
  8. erik818
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    erik818 Senior Member

    There's a shop in central Stockholm, on Skeppsholmen, called "Tackel och Tåg" that have lots of used marine parts, but I'm unsure if they put pictures of them on the internet. Google "Tackel och Tåg" to find their site. The site is in Swedish but that shouldn't give you any major problem.
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  9. sean-nós
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    sean-nós Senior Member

  10. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Custom casting doesn't have to be ridiculously costly, but you do need to find a small forge that will work with you. I've had some aluminum, brass and bronze parts case at a local high school on occasion.

    Swap meets, boat shows, salvage yards, marinas, etc. are the places to look if you want OEM, but be warned, if you find 40 and 50 year old stock, it'll probably look like it and need to be reconditioned.

    Unless you're looking at a full up show boat, just purchase new cleats, bow lights, etc. A very small percentage of folks will ever know the difference between it and what came on the boat.
  11. iceboater
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    iceboater Junior Member

  12. iceboater
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    iceboater Junior Member

    Thanks PAR. Am going for show boat and I am positive that I will find all the parts and I am not in a hurry. Found 3 today.
  13. sean-nós
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    sean-nós Senior Member

    Thanks,:D every thing is from ebay the nude on the bow is from an auto shop it's a hood ornament I also got one for the boat I am building now that will have a V8 theme :D


    I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to shinny things on ebay :)


  14. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    I hope you will post photos as you put it back together Axel.
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