Vessel names, rules and customs

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Magnus W, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. Magnus W
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    Magnus W Senior Member

    (moderator, please move to appropriate section if too far off)

    What are the rules and/or guidelines and what does customs and good manners dictate when it comes to naming a vessel? I’m not talking about the actual naming procedure but rather the choice of name.

    I assume that trademarks like Coca-Cola are out of the question but what names of actual people?

    I would like to name an upcoming vessel after a French police officer who was killed on duty. The boat will be used in part for SAR-missions as well as an ambulance so the name chioce isn’t too far stretched. The heroism and self sacrifice of said officer is something I find very admirable and it would be an honor to name the boat after him.

    I guess I could just give the boat the name but I want it to mean something so I’d like to go about it the proper way.

    But what’s the proper way, naming a Swedish ngo vessel after a French police officer?
    Ask his family? Ask the National Gendarmerie? Go via the French embassy? Just do it and notify the French?
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  2. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    You should notify the family and the agency he belonged to that you'd like to honor the officer. If any of them object for.... reasons?, its an un-awkward (ie doesn't involve lawyers) point and gives you time to come up with an alternate name. More likely but more awkward "problem" will be if they embrace it and want to turn it into a big political production event.
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Magnus W,

    I commend your motivation and thoughtfulness in honouring this fallen officer.
    In my mind, asking the family first and getting their feedback and direction would be the place to start.

    To answer your question: no, I am not aware of any traditions or limitations in naming a boat.
    In fact, it may be just the opposite, there are not strings attached, one is free to name as they wish.
    Even, Coca-Cola could be used so long as it is not for commercial (financial) gain.

  4. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    All good advice
    As he was a French officer it might be nice (and more meaningful) to reserve his name for a French vessel.
  5. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Depends on if his LOD has a "Swedish Connection" or not. Vessels of different nations can have the same names. Even different municipalities. Can you imagine how many "Gone Fishin'"s there are in the world?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  6. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    The only actual restrictions that I am aware of are to avoid confusion over the radio. You can't name a vessel SOS, Pan Pan, or Sea Toe (Because Sea Tow is a towing business). There are fair number of reserved words that are not allowed. But people names are fine.
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Some info from other countries on Wikipedia (mostly naval) ship naming conventions: JapanChinaRussiaUKUSA
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    I've just done a check if this hero police officer had any relation with boats or ships, I've came across this very sad article . . :(

    (translation from French)

    ‘‘ The body of Arnaud Beltrame's father was recovered at sea in Grau-du-Roi in February

    — Posted on 26/03/2018 at 17:48, updated on 27/03/2018 10:58 —

    Hero Arnaud Jean Georges Beltrame Senior Officer French National Gendarmerie.jpg
    Hero — Arnaud Jean Georges Beltrame — Senior Officer — French National Gendarmerie

    A week before his heroic act in Trèbes, Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame had buried his father at Grau-du-Roi in the Gard. His body was found in the nets of a fishing boat on February 16, more than six months after his disappearance, reports Midi Libre. His body was only identified at the beginning of March.

    August 16, 2017, Jean-François Beltrame, 72 y/o, had set sail aboard his boat in Port Camargue. His boat was found a month later not far from a beach in the department of Bouches-du-Rhone.

    According to Midi Libre*, the father of Arnaud Beltrame would have left a letter to the Harbour Master of Le Grau-du-Roi hinting that he wouldn't return and that his car was for a family member. ’’

    P.S. - * note: the info about the letter comes from a — ‘‘source non confirmée’’‘‘unconfirmed source’’ — says Midi Libre.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
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  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    In this case the intended use of the vessel is to earn money, the intended use of the name obviously not, but it could make it complicated, I would think.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
  10. Magnus W
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    Magnus W Senior Member

    Thank you for your input.

    Notifying the family would seem like the best way to start. With their blessing I guess they can put me in contact with his unit so I can get a more official approval.

    And as JSL pointed out my vessel may well be below what his memory deserves but whatever the French are going to do I can assure you that Swedish authorities will do absolutely nothing. So even if what I do is only a little it's still better that nothing.

  11. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    If it's about Arnaud Beltrame, below a Google auto translation of places and institutions named in honor of him, as currently listed on the French wikipedia, which is a growing list, but no ships or boats are mentioned there yet....
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
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