Velvet drive noise

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by Nodded, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Nodded
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    Nodded Junior Member

    71C 1:1 . Rotational grinding noise (sounds to me like bearing noise). I can rotate shaft ,in neutral , with propeller and hear noise. Engine does not need to be running. I'm thinking output bearing. Noise is there in gear (forward or reverse) when underway.Any ideas or anyone else have this problem?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It could be broken clutches or plates too. You will have to dismantle it either way, so it will probably be obvious.
  3. Nodded
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    Nodded Junior Member

    I'll know in a couple of weeks when I take yin out for rebuild
  4. Chuck Losness
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    Chuck Losness Senior Member

    One source for parts is ebasic power. That's where I get my velvet drive parts. There are service manuals posted online. Just search on google and you will get several hits. Not hard to rebuild. Good luck.
  5. Nodded
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    Nodded Junior Member

    Yeah, they are quality parts and reasonable. I did find a really good price on the output bearing at Hale Marine, however (about $50 cheaper than anyone else)
  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can buy the bearings at any supplier. It doesn't need to be a marine store.

  7. Nodded
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    Nodded Junior Member

    I figured that as soon as I got the nomenclature off the bearing, it might be available at the local bearing supplier. I think it's just a standard roller bearing
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