Value adjustment

Discussion in 'Gas Engines' started by mikealston2428, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. mikealston2428
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Chevy 350/hydrolic lifters/roller rocks.
    I have given rockers Half a turn preload after 0 lash
    has I was told.
    My question is, should any of the rods be able to spin they are not loose but with abit of effort some will spin
    Should this be the case or should they all be tight
    Cheer mike
  2. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    Rods should be attached to the crankshaft. Are you turning the crank?

  3. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    he is refering to the push rods that run from the lifters to the rocker arms.

    Yes, this is normal, particularly if you put rev lube on them for the first start up. It is especialy important that there is some moly lube on the pivot of the rocker arms, this area tends to wear even with fequent oil changes, so you would not want it to run dry even for a few seconds on first start up.

    When the hydraulic lifters pump up after you run it, you will not likely be able to turn them unless they have been sitting for a long time without running and the presses bleeds out (this should not happen on new ones, only older ones that have some wear on them). They are supposed to turn slightly each cycle to create even wear and make them last longer, so they are designed to spin around like that.
  4. mikealston2428
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    mikealston2428 Senior Member

    Thanks petrodollars
    Great answer and cleared it up for me
    Yes I have Lund all required surfaces.
    They are new lifters.
    Once the engine is running and the lifters are filled with oil this will sort it out
    Thanks mike

  5. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    You got me flat footed, I have never tried to spin / turn push rods ....

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