using a fairing stick

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by In my shed, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. In my shed
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    In my shed Junior Member

    Good day guys. I wonder if anyone could give me any info in pointing me in right direction when using a fairing stick. I am in the process of building my first ever boat, it is a strip plank design, being of palonia and fibre glass.

    Is it best to always use your fairing stick diagonally & horizontally over your hull? My fairing stick i have made is of 8mm sq oak. I am finding that this is bending well to the shape of the hull. Is there a correct amount of force one should use when pulling on the fairing stick?

    Finally is there any other methods I can use when fairing the bow.

    Many thanks in advance.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You should go diagonally both ways, horizontally and vertically. This way will let you fair in all directions.
  3. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    You may want to check out this fairing tool at

    a quote from the supplier

    We are dealing with Atl composites in Austraila.
    If you like to order any tools please contact "

    I would also be interested to hear where you bought your Pawlonia from, and what you thought of the price and quality.

    Good luck with it all
  4. troy2000
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I did a quick search to see what kind of tree Paulownia was. It looks to me like what was heavily sold in this area ten or fifteen years ago as "dragon trees,' touted as super fast-growing shade. Unfortunately, those huge leaves lose a lot of moisture in a hurry in the Southern California sun. I was a meter reader at the time... I'd pass a young one in the morning looking all spiffy, and pass it again in the evening looking like wilted lettuce. Without sufficient water, it only took a couple of days of hot weather to kill them. If I ever plant any I'll install a 24/7 drip system.

    I had no idea they produced usable timber. Learn something every day....

  5. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Yes, its a chinese tree - hence the 'dragon' moniker.

    Some species of it produce an extremely good boat building timber. You are right, it grows very fast, like a weed, and needs lots of water. One I planted grew to 18 feet in 30 months. Also know as Kiri in some places.

    Their quality timber is a little heavier than balsa, nearly as strong as Western red, almost rot and termite proof ( they have dug up coffins after a thousand years, still intact), non carcinogenic dust particles and non-irritating smell, and non cloggging grain for planes and sandpaper.

    The broad leaves make good cattle fodder, and the trunk is smooth with thin bark.

    Australia has some good plantations growing, but the plantation industry has gone through a bit of an upheaval recently, and arranging shipments can be a bit problematic.
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