use Maxsurf Structure to design Fishing Ship in GRP material

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ltd93, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. ltd93
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    ltd93 Junior Member

    hello everyone,
    I'm learing to design fishing ship in GRP material (composite). Does anyone has experience in that could share some detail?

    What is the advantage and disadvantage useing Maxsurf Structure to design GRP's ship?

    How to build the profile (section) of fram. strigers,....(cause the forms of composite does not support.

    Thanks for every advice or comment!
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Maxsurf will not help at all to design boats, fishing boats or any other type. Nor can help you understand how the GRP works. On the contrary, if you mix different things such as ship design, strength of materials and the use of certain software, you'll much delay your learning process.
    Learn first how a thing is done and then learn how to do it with a software.
    What is what "the forms of composite does not support"?
  3. ltd93
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    ltd93 Junior Member

    thank for your help!

    the "forms of composite" mean, Maxsurf Structure doesn't support the composite frame section( it has steel section such as : T, L ,I,...).

    So could we make the composite section which has foam inside by using the Maxsurf Structure.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Can not you use, for example, a rectangular profile with geometric properties equivalent to actual profile?
  5. ltd93
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    ltd93 Junior Member

    so I must use another program to build structure. Which software is most appropriate to do after used Maxsurf Structure?
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am a user of Hydromax and Maxsurf and I think it is a very good software. I have not used the structures module but I am surprised that it has problems you decribe. I think you should fully explore the possibilities of this software before discarding.
  7. ltd93
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    ltd93 Junior Member

    Thanks! Actually, I just use Structure modul to practice in my study. But it quite difficult to enjoy. haha:D
  8. jmanzanera
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    jmanzanera New Member

    Good night gentlemen, I'm new at this forum so I'll introduce my self, I'm a mechanical engineer, I took a minor on naval engineer and I'm also trying to design to build (some day) a commercial fishing boat with fiberglass (which I have worked a lot) for my own and I want to do it under ABS rules, However, I can't find what rules apply to this kind of vessel. Can some one give me a hint? I don't want it to be coastal and it should be around 38 to 42 ft.

    I hope you could help me. Thank you very much :)
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In general there is a gap with the rules applicable to ships under 24 m. The ISO 12215 standard, as can be read in its early sections, apply to boats between 6 and 24 m in length, but many understand that refers to pleasure boats. In any case, you should consult with the authorities of your country about what are the rules applicable to ships built in this territory.
  10. jmanzanera
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    jmanzanera New Member

    Thank you very much, I found the Pub#12 of ABS "Rules for building and classing reinforced plastic vessels" I guess this would work as well.
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    All regulations, in its early chapters, defines its scope, ship types and sizes.

  12. jmanzanera
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    jmanzanera New Member

    Of course thank you
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