Urgently need details of Intro 22 rudder dimension

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by woozyuk, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. woozyuk
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    woozyuk New Member

    i grounded my intro 22 on saturday (i was in the cabin though) a friend was at the helm, and i even had a new depth sounder. :mad:

    we got stuck, and got towed off the sand bank by a dredger support boat. the force as the rudder was stuck snapped it off right below the bottom rudder bracket. i have no measurements of the rudder. if theres any intro 22 owners who could measure their intro rudders i would be truly grateful (or better yet have a spare rudder i can buy) does anyone have any recommendation too where i can get one made up ?

    all i have for info is the picture i took of the boat and rudder before i launched earlier in the year

  2. woozyuk
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    woozyuk New Member

  3. PAR
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    Welcome to the forum.

    This isn't a chat area, so reply's will come as folks notice your post or feel they have something to offer.

    Naturally, you'll want to contact Dave Thomas for details about the design. He's still alive from my understanding, though I'm sorry about not having any (reliable) contact information on him.

    A new rudder wouldn't be a difficult thing to have drawn up, if interested in this route.
  4. daiquiri
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  5. woozyuk
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    woozyuk New Member

    davids grandson didnt help. said plans were hand drawn and no rudder details exist

  6. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    That is really deep high aspect rudder. The force on the attachments must a bit much. From the pictures, it seems to be kind of fat and blunt too. Unless the boat is sailed with signifigant heel, another rudder configuration might be more practical, especially if you might ground the boat again.
  7. woozyuk
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    woozyuk New Member

    i do get it to heel a lot, up to about 35-40 degrees lean last time i used it
  8. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Sail is not very efficient at those angles. The hull is not likely to be efficient at those angles either. It's your boat, Sail it as you wish. If you care about "getting there" sooner then perhaps reduce sail or add ballast. Very few decent boats like to sail on their ear. Damned few sailors are happy to sail beyond rail down. At severe angles the rudder is half foil/half rudder.

    If you are a seasoned and experienced sailor then you can make a pretty good guess at heel angle. Otherwise get an inclinometer. A useable one is inexpensive and quite a valuable tool. It lets you know that it would have been prudent to have reefed earlier..

    That really is (was) a deep rudder.

  9. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The little I know about that design suggests she's a bit tender and like some heel. I'm sure she has a "groove" that's well past what modern fat butted sailors are accustomed.

    I'd be happy to give you a price for a new blade, but being in Kent, I'll bet shipping makes this less that practical. I could also draw up a new arrangement, which wouldn't have a shipping issue.

    This said, it looks to be an easy blade to reproduce, with parallel leading and trailing edges. You may want to do some research on shaving up a foam blank and building your own blade. I'll assume it had an internal armature, that's you still have and that it's general dimensions could be estimated. This in hand a simple 00 series NACA foil section, will do fine.
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