upgrade of electricity for my boat

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by kriskaminsky, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. kriskaminsky
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    kriskaminsky New Member

    I have a 50 ft Bertram convertible boat in florida.

    It seems like it has some problems with the electric. I can not reach my marine electric, so please can you advice where to find a god supplier to replace the battery and some other stuff.

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Batteries are available everywhere: Menards, Autozone, Discount Auto, NAPA, etc. What other stuff do you need, and does it have to be installed?
  3. kriskaminsky
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    kriskaminsky New Member

    upgarde of electricity for my boat

    Actually I do not know yet (untill my electrician will get in touch with me) I have not done the upgrade of electricity for years.
    But the battery is the first thing to change.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Where in Florida do you have the boat?
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    A 50 foot boat can have a pretty extensive and complex electrical system. You really need to have a marine electrician or electrical engineer look at it and evaluate what needs to be upgraded or changed based on your current needs and any changes you want to make to your onboard equipment. You need to do this before you even start thinking about what batteries to use.
  6. kriskaminsky
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    kriskaminsky New Member

    The boat is near Fort Lauderdale, FL

    I would like to upgrade the whole electric system. So I think that I will have to spend a lot of money on these repairs. I am just estimating the possible expenses and my budget. I want to compare parts from several suppliers.
    Found this provider https://www.mrosupply.com/electrical/ They have affordable prices, but it seems like they do not specialize on marine.

    Are there any special marine providers?
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The batteries will be a small fraction of the project's cost. The first thing to do is an energy consumption audit. That will determine, battery and wiring sizes, etc.
  8. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    There are many companies that specialize in marine electrical system components. One of the best known is Blue Seas https://www.bluesea.com/.
    Another is Marinco http://www.marinco.com/en

    There are many others. Just Google marine electrical systems.

    As Gonzo said, the batteries willl be a small fraction of the cost. However if you are planning to go to lithium batteries, that would require a complete redesign of the power generating and charging system and could add significantly to the cost.
  9. captainralph
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    captainralph Junior Member

    One of the problems with boats is there are many different factory battery installations involved. I do understand the old Hatteras and Bertram's 32Vdc systems and they can be a challenge if you do not understand what is and why it is there. 24Vdc systems can offer challenges for the owner or tech also. Auto-zone does not shelve 8 volt batteries also.
    If kriskaminsky still has concerns, please come back to your thread.

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Bertram is a well made boat.

    Probably no reason to up grade the entire boat electrical system, just a need to UNDERSTAND and operate it as it was designed.

    Try to obtain an operating manual for the boat , even before springing for a new battery.

    The electric sellers scream NEW NEW NEW big buck chargers , isolators and other goodies are "better" than simpler systems.

    I believe a set up you understand and operate is far better than "all automatic.

    Read about past Air Bust crashes if you prefer automatic.
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