Unknown small, wooden sailboat

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Karsten Weiss, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Karsten Weiss
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    Karsten Weiss New Member

    Hello All:

    My father just purchased a wooden sailboat. I am sure he will restore it lovingly. Unfortunately there is no history for this boat. It was sold to the previous owner by the former wife of the owner at the time and she did not want to talk about the boat. So, neither the previous owner nor we have anything, just the boat. The person we bought it from wanted to rebuild it but ran out of time/place/money/interest.

    I have attached some photographs of the hull, but here is some technical info to start with:

    Construction: 1/4" plywood over wooden frames
    Length: ~12.5 feet
    Beam: ~54"
    Pivoting, steel centerboard
    Unusually angled transom
    Two little doors create a cabinet in the bow section (this could have been designed and installed by the original owner)
    We have mast and boom, rigging, and hardware, but no sails.
    The hardware has all been taken off the boat, but based on the hardware that was included, it seems to be sloop-rigged. We could be wrong about that as some hardware might have gotten mixed in from another boat. We have cleats and pulleys that indicate the existence of a jib.

    I somehow feel that it was a kit boat. Could be a one-of-a-kind though. Maybe one of you here knows it. Thanks!

    Attached Files:

  2. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    Probably an old timer. Maybe built from magazine plans. It resembles a mini sized Snipe in some respects. It is a standard design concept from which many a small boat was built in various sizes. You might get some clues about its age by examining the way the joints were made.....Screws, nails, rivets, joint compounds, etc.??

    Fir ply, steel board, lot of floorboards, suggests that it will be heavy for its size. Nonetheless it is worth restoring if there is no bad wood involved. Might turn out to be a fun little boat.
  3. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

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