Sailing a Hartley 30 from Pembrooke Dock to Pwllheli - Advice needed

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by a.g.turner, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. a.g.turner
    Joined: Aug 2010
    Posts: 46
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    Location: Wovlerhampton

    a.g.turner Junior Member

    Hi all.
    I'm a relative newbie having been sailing for a year.
    I currently own a Pandora international moored in Pwllheli and i've been sailing every weekend all through the winter so i'm still relatively inexperienced and although I can sail I've never done any long distances really.

    I've just bought a steel built Hartley 30 from a lovely chap in Pembrooke. The boat is in great condition and is rigged for single handed sailing with furling genoa and main and tiller pilot etc etc etc. Having said that i'm not going to be doing this journey single handed, i'll be sailing with my wife and a couple of friends, one of whom is a very experienced sailor but he's getting on a bit now so I don't want to put too much presure on him

    The plan is to lift my pandora out of the water next week sometime to free up my mooring and to bring the hartley up over a few days.

    Here's my plan
    Friday 22nd of July : Sail from pembrooke dock round to fishguard and leave the boat there for the weekend
    Saturday 23st - busy
    Sunday 24th - busy
    Monday 25th -Drive up to Pwllheli to pick up a friend, the experienced sailor and then continue to fishguard. Spend night in fishguard before setting sail.
    Tuesday 26th - Begin passage from Fishguard to Pwllheli
    Wed 27th - extra days
    Thus 28th - extra days
    Fri 29th - extra days

    So, we've got plenty of extra days to account for weather and hiccoughs.

    My questions are :
    1. Do people know the Hartley 30 and what are peoples thoughts on it........
    2. Any advice about the route we're planning would be fantastic, tides, channels, etc etc

    As I say, this will be my first "cross country" so to speak and whilst it's all very exciting I'm very cautious and want as muc advice as people can throw at me.

    Thanks all


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