Ultims are back, for the Dhream Cup july 19

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Dolfiman, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    I think it's worth to open a thread on this race grouping more than 100 boats, but especially inc. 3 Ultims Gitana 17, Sodebo 3 and Actual in a specific 1100 NM race for them. Because it is the first time Sodebo 3, at last equiped with a central daggerboard with foil (yes Doug !) and so able to full flying, will be confronted with Gitana 17 with same weapons. Sodebo 3 was actually designed for that configuration, especially re. the weight centering with the cabin in front of the mast, a radical choice. If the wind is there, that can be spectacular and instructive. Here is their last video where we can clearly see the central foil in action, this day they reported a flying at 33-34 Knots with 14 knots of wind :
    Voile. Ultime. À bord de Sodebo 3… [vidéo] https://www.letelegramme.fr/voile/ultime-a-bord-de-sodebo-3-video-17-07-2020-12584410.php
    Dhream Cup :
    » 100 BATEAUX ATTENDUS À CHERBOURG-EN-COTENTIN ! https://drheam-cup.com/100-bateaux-attendus-a-cherbourg-en-cotentin/
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  2. Dolfiman
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  3. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    The video of the start ...., from 40:11 in this youtube :
  4. Dolfiman
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  5. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    A real drifter of a start, was cool to see a good turnout of multihulls, any info on the pink trimaran is that Anne Casenueve's trimaran?
  6. Dolfiman
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  7. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Looks like Rothschild is crashing through the IRC fleet on the shorter course doing about 40 knots at night. Who thought that would be a good idea? That would get your attention on the dog watch on 35 footer.
  8. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Good wind for Ultims to fly during last night, but on starboard tack where Sodebo has still its older foil not fit for full flying, too bad (the new starboard foil built by Persico is still stuck in Italy due to the Covid crisis). Perhaps on the last leg towards La Trinite....
    Sure that it was not a good idea to have these Ultims crashing the IRC fleet by night.
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  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Go Gitana 17!!!

    PS- just checked the tracking-Gitana won! (by about 2hrs over Sodebo)
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  10. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Looks like it has been a terrific event for the Figaro 3 class. They didn't get split by the tide in the English channel like the Class 40, and there are about 20 boats within 40 minutes near the end, With Goodchild out front of them. He definitely has a little extra somewhere. Banque POP and Macif are battling for third. Macif may be able to lee-bow Banque pop at the next mark. Tracking shows them less than a minute apart.
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  11. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  12. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Interview of Gitana 17/ Franck Cammas about the race :
    At the end of a race that she will have led from start to finish on the course of the DRHEAM-CUP 1100 (reduced to 750 miles), the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild cut the first this Tuesday, July 20 at 10:30:33 '' the finish line of the DRHEAM-CUP / GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE DE COURSE AU LARGE in La Trinité-sur-Mer. The skippers Franck Cammas and Charles Caudrelier and their crew (Yann Eliès, Morgan Lagravière, David Boileau, Yann Riou) will have taken 1 day 21 hours 30 minutes and 33 seconds to reach La Trinité-sur-Mer from Cherbourg-en-Cotentin , at 18.64 knots true average speed (848 miles traveled), 16.48 theoretical average over the 750 miles of the circle. Franck Cammas opened up just after crossing the line.

    "Very well. It was a great course, because it was very complete, we had all the conditions and a great fight. Although there was a gap at the start, we were mostly with our two opponents; again last night we weren't far from each other. There were tactical phases, others of pure speed, a lot of reaching in the end, like the second night to go to Rochebonne, which was good because we had not had such fast conditions last year on the Fastnet. It was not bad to be able to push the boat in these conditions, it is never easy to stay close to 40 knots all the time, as was the case last night, we even made an hour above 40 knots , which is really a lot, we had to keep the balance, it was a nice finish."

    Where did you make the difference on your opponents, and in particular on Sodebo Ultim 3, your closer contender ?
    "From the first tack at Omonville, we made a little tactical move ashore which worked very well, allowing us to create a little gap and pass Shambles with the current, which was not the case with our pursuers. As a result, they have always been in pursuit of us, while on our side, this small gap has allowed us each time to position ourselves well in relation to the weather phenomena. They had to take a little more risk, especially the last shot yesterday afternoon, with the last ridge to go: we took a little more outside, less risk, Sodebo tried to "cut the cheese", but they lost more than 20 miles compared to us."

    Did you have a lot of fun?
    "Yes, quite frankly, we also discovered each other a little more in view of the Jules Verne Trophy, it was important, this DRHEAM-CUP / GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE DE COURSE AU LARGE has been instructive. It was a technical course in little space, because the Channel and the Irish Sea are ultimately not very large on the scale of our boats, so it allows us to review all the maneuvers we can do in Ultim."

    After the Fastnet and the Brest Atlantiques last year, you won the DRHEAM-CUP / GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE DE COURSE AU LARGE, is it important to maintain this dynamic?
    "Yes, we were favorites at the start line, it's always good to be able to do that. I think Sodebo has made quite a bit of progress this winter, as we expected, it's nice to see the fleet leveling off a bit. We have made good progress since last year in the light winds, Sodebo was much faster than us in these conditions, there we clearly improved, so we are happy with that."

    Source :» Franck Cammas : « C »est bien de pouvoir concrétiser » https://drheam-cup.com/franck-cammas-cest-bien-de-pouvoir-concretiser/
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