Typical European Shore Power

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by Knautical, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Knautical
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    Knautical Junior Member


    I am working on a project that requires to be able to operate with North America and/or European shore power systems. (but not simultaneously) I understand the main differences, i.e. North America is 4 wire at 240V where European is 3 wire at 230V. Where I am not finding the information readily available is the typical amperage.

    So far I have found that there is 16, 32, and 63 Amp service. Is that as high as it goes?

    Thank you for your help on this matter.
  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Remember UK is 50hz, US 60Hz

  3. Knautical
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    Knautical Junior Member

    Thank you for your reply.

    I am aware that the US is 60 Hz and Europe is 50 Hz, there is a Phase convertor on board to handle that. I did not want to get into the complete electrical system design for the simple question.

    So can you tell what the next amperage, if any, is available above 63 amps?
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    You should look for EN 60898-1.
    Preferential values of nominal currents (In) for low-voltage systems are:
    6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 63, 80, 100, 125 A.
    Nominal voltages are 230V (1-phase) and 400V (3-phase).
  5. Knautical
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    Knautical Junior Member

    Thank you, exactly what I was looking for.
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Not sure how your boat will be used . 16 and 32amp single and multiphase are common, higher ratings are scarce. Im presently plugged into 32 amp...modern port facility.

    I rarely see 63 and above.

    Keep this in mind when you are designing your input and internal distribution layout.
  7. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    Pity the world was unable to agree a global standard for domestic and commercial electricity......it was attempted some while back. I seem to remember a 16 amp (UK equivalent at time 15) being the max domestic mains plug proposed. Think that was late 80s', probably never happen now.

    The Euro voltage 230 has slightly wider + and - than the old UK 240v standard. Not personally had trouble with the older stuff running on 230v. Domestic 3 pin can take 13 amp in the UK, 16 amp + and you need two pin round type plugs. These in semi waterproof housings are common in marinas (IP 6/6? I'd think) and caravan sites.

    You might need to check the 'run' length of supply cables ie power/sq mm as that may not be the same for Europe and the US.

  8. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    you can get 200A pluss shore power. 32 and 63 is common for smaller vessels.
    Both 230 and 400volts are used.
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