Tutorial for Gene-Hull UE 2,3

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dolfiman, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    This tutorial wants to help the first use of Gene-Hull UE 2,3, of which application and User guide is there :
    From the reference hull of which input data are already in place in the application to help the beginning of a new project, we generate step by step a new hull, with a sailplan and a weight first estimation, for an early stage project of sailing yacht within given objectives.

    Through this approach, it is to show how to introduce the input data, how to analyse the output data, how to iterate and to improve the design. The theme for this tutorial exercise is a cruiser yacht of which characteristics are inspired by the Delher 34 2016 design.

    By hoping this approach detailed step by step can be helpful for the data input and the iterations. Of course, there is a lot of other possible variants and paths towards a balanced design, and your criteria can be different than mine. And I remind that an early stage design is itself the starting basis for the detailed engineering stage, and further iterations can be then necessary.

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  2. hubru
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    hubru Junior Member

    Dear Dolfiman,
    I am amazed by the Gene-Hull UE version.
    Tutorial is great.
    Would like to understand the math for the vertical plane xz :
    a(x-x0)+b(y-yo)+c(z-zo) =0
    A=a/c , B=b/c
    A(x-xo) +B(y-yo)+(z-zo)=0
    for xz : A(x-xo)-zo=z

    why the is (x-x0)^(...(x-xo)^n)

    even trying to get polynomial through 4 points doesn't provide me a correct curve, starting point ok then the cure goes below TC to go through zero at 800 and Xbow,Zbow
    ax^3+bx^2+cx+d for (o,TC) & (800,0) & (xbox,zbow)

    Can You clarify this for me ?
  3. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Dear hubru, thanks for your message and kind words about Gene-Hull. I have developed here attached the formulation used for the keel line, basically it is not a degree 3 polynome but one in the general form of :
    z = -Tc + (x – XTc)^[a + b (X-XTc)^Cet] / c
    , where a, b, c are the coefficients to compute using the input data, as detailed in the document. I adopted that strange formulation because that always gives me a "rigid" curve (without extra unwanted ondulation), although allowing to shape the bow. I added a numerical example so that you can test yourself the formulation and check with me.

    I am preparing a new upgraded version 3,0 of Gene-Hull with a lot of improvements, including an additionnal capability of fine tuning this keel line, which will be compatible with the current formulation (if the new parameter involved is set at zero, you will fall in the present formulation).

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  4. hubru
    Joined: Aug 2020
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    hubru Junior Member

    Thank You, Merci, Merveileux !
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